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Sorry if this is horrible I'm tired 🙏
I keep seeing people say "Every guy has a crush on Jimmy besides Joel" and I was like great an idea so (not including pix bc I see him as his father figure)
Jealous Scott?? Yes sir 🫶

Jimmy grinned as Pixl continued telling him about some old fossils and even mentioning the one he found long ago

The older shut the book as they got to the end and turned,only to see a glimpse of pink and orange and rolling his eyes before smirking at his 'son'

He raised a brow before getting tackled by two smaller figures,slowly opening his eyes he saw his sister,Lizzie and his ex-deputy,Fwhip who both were smiling brightly

The blonde groaned and picked them both up by the back of their shirts then putting them down,dusting himself off and glaring at them

"What can we do for you two?" Asked Pixl as he ruffled his 'daughters' hair causing her ears to twitch and her to swat at him before responding "Fwhip wanted to see his dearest sheriff~" the cat teased before running off to find fish in the chests

The three continued talking,the goblin sitting on the crafting table while leaning slightly into Jimmy,subtly flirting every now and then

Soon though the others joined them,Joe standing behind his right shoulder and occasionally saying some things no one wanted to hear,Sausage laughing and pinching his cheeks before standing next to Joel and Lizzie

Oli sat on the grass next to Scott who was scowling at basically everyone,the rest of the guys not paying attention while the girls had ran off to raid the poor adventurer

The cyanette was picking the grass,his fedora causing a shadow over his eyes however a slight glow from his yellow eye could be seen,the blonde beside him was simply reading,not caring and not bothering to get involved

Jimmy's face was red and he smugly pushed Joe off of him while moving back towards the three outside the mess

He was between Scott and Pixl now,who was now talking to everyone so they didn't crowd him again,he sighed before slightly jumping when he felt someone hug his legs and lean their head on his thigh

The sheriff looked down and saw his boyfriend who was still glaring at the others before he felt his hat come off his head and someone run their hand run through his hair

He tilted his head up and his look softened as he saw Jimmy looking down at him with pure adoration and love,softly running his hand through his soft cyan locks

Well he still wasn't happy but he knows Jimmy loves him,that's all the king needed to feel safe and calm in this world

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