Dating huh?

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Another asking my friend for a duo
Scott and gem 💪💪
I love Gem and Jimmy(&Oli) being sibs hc shut up 😡(Olis the youngest)
Overprotective Gem 🫶
Also I wanna make an ESMP2 Highschool fic

Gem glanced up from her cup to the other sat right in front of her and her youngest brother,Oli,who was busy trying to figure out a new song with the goat horn he has

The third was Scott of Chromia,the man who was dating her other younger brother which happened to be the servers sheriff,Jimmy

Jimmy had left to use the restroom a few minutes ago which made silence fall among the three before the ginger,somewhat aggressively,placed her drink on the table

"Scott Smajor." A monotone voice cane from her,usually she was extremely cheery however not at the moment "Dating my brother,huh?"

The other two looked up at her,the cyanette looking more confused while the panda lover had a bit of concern on his face

He sat up and also placed his cup on the table "Yes,isn't that what we just told you?" The taller raised a brow,leaning back in the birch chair

That however caused a small chuckled to erupt from the youngests throat which turned into a fake cough the second his sister glared at him

She faced the other once again,a fake smile making its way onto her face "Yes I know however" she paused,her face going darker while her tone became more serious "However if you dare hurt him I will burn everything you love"

The princess was now somewhat stretched over the table,glaring at the colourful man who nodded quickly,a grin appearing on her face as she sat back down

Just then the sheriff walked in,confusion clear on his face as he saw his usually cocky significant other looking like he saw a ghost,his sister smiling from ear to ear almost as if nothing happened and his brother clearly trying to avoid what happened

"Okay what's going here?" Jimmys hands hit the table,causing the cups to move and the three to jump slightly,looking up at the angry blonde

Everyone stayed quiet while looking at each other before he sighed,turning towards the other blonde in the room "Panda if you tell me I'll get you as many goat horns as you want" he watched as he perked up and grinned

Oli opened his mouth "Okay well don't call me panda but Gem basically threatened Scott because she's the oldest and really overprotective and clearly doesn't trust Scott even if she's know him for ages and-" he was cut off by a hand flying to his mouth,which belonged to the princess

She smiled nervously at the sheriff while moving so both hands rested on the slightly tallers mouth,who was trying to pull them off

He simply sighed and took his seat once again "Sorry bout that Petal" he rubbed his neck nervously,ignoring the way his neckerchief rubbed against his skin

A simply laugh made him look up,seeing the colourful man trying to keep quiet "It's fine! I understand how siblings can be" his multicoloured eyes light up in the light while looking at his boyfriend

Jimmy just sighed and nodded,he would have to talk to Gem about this but he can do it later,maybe not embarrass Scott further

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