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Little late bc I was busy and then sleeping for a majority of the day bc it's me 💪
Might write a little oneshot inspired by little nightmares but oh well
Anyway Fwhip learns magic and annoys Sausage (s1)

Fwhip grinned as he ran towards Mythland on a search for the king,he would teleport however he hadn't mastered that skill yet

His smile grew when he saw the brunette searching through his chests for something which cussed the ginger to have what he would call an amazing idea

He grabbed his staff and concentrated,it wouldn't be
as good as Gem but that's alright,maybe one day but not today

With that he finally got the other ruler to slight float off the ground,not enough to lose that many hearts but high enough so he noticed

A yell came from Sausage as he looked around,clearly panicked as too why he stated randomly floating before making direct eye contact with the other

"Fwhip,put me down!!" He yelled out all while the king of Grimlands was walking closer with a smile on his face however he looked tired

After another minute or two or back and forth,the taller was placed safely back on the ground to both of their reliefs but just as he went to lecture the shorter he saw how tired he was

His face softened "Come on,let's go have a nap" before the other could even reply he was picked up and carried bridal style towards the house

A string of whines and complaints left Fwhips mouth however he knew he wasn't getting out of this one,he may of forgotten that the magic drained his energy

Oh well,at least he gets to stay with Sausage longer and hopefully (atleast he hopes) too cuddle at least for a minute or two

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