Acting 2

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Am I writing the actual play? God no that's too much work
Am I writing the after party? Absolutely 🫶
Wither Husbands (+ Flower husbands & Jizzie)

That went better than expected.

All of the actors had to wear something similar to their characters while every other student got to wear whatever

Scott was in a blue suit,it was basically the same as the beasts but the cuffs were more white than before while Jimmy was in a shorter yellow dress

Lizzie was Armoire,so the dress she had was long and puffy,not only that but it was a light pastel green and white,Joel had auditioned for Lumière,making his suit a black and light yellow

Finally was Sausage and Fwhip,who hadn't auditioned so he just wore a sapphire blue suit and Sausage had a brown suit on and it surprisingly looked good on him (ofc Fwhip thought he looked good in everything but)

The rest of the group had their usual colour schemes,either darker or lighter in a suit or dress,surprisingly False came in a suit

Throughout most of the night everyone stayed together however at some point they all split off into pairs

Scott and Jimmy went off,mainly the bull having to be dragged off,False took Gem into a quieter corner but still danced,Katherine had left to the food table with Joe following her,Shubble and Oli had went to run the DJ booth and lastly Joel and Lizzie went to the drink stand

Fwhip decided to leave to the small little garden that the school had,he was surprised that the cyanette hadn't come out here

As the goblin stood at the railing he heard the sound of footsteps and immediately knew who it was

"You alright out here?" Asked the familiar voice that he recognised oh so well,a small smile appeared on the smallers face as he turned around facing Sausage

The ginger simply leaned on the brunette "I'm fine,just needed some fresh air" Fwhip wasn't really lying but he also just wanted alone time with the male

A few minutes passed before Sausage shifted uncomfortably before looking down at Fwhip "Hey Fwhip?" A small hum to show he was listening "Have you ever..wanted a boyfriend?" He looked away and rubbed his neck,praying he hadn't ruined this

Said goblin looked up,small sparkles in his eyes "I wouldn't mind having one,depends who" he grinned and looked back out onto the sea

Sausage slowly moved his hand onto the others,seemingly trying to pretend it was an accident "And who would that be?"


Silence fell among the two as did a small breeze,swaying the grass and flowers left and right as they could smell all of them as well as the salt water

The brunette stared in shock before turning around fully and grabbing both of Fwhip hands "Me? Are you serious?" he asked and received a small nod

The taller couldn't describe how happy he was,nor could he form any words so instead he grabbed him by the face and kissed him

Just then clapping could be heard,the two pulled away only to see everyone in the friend group standing there,some whistling could be heard as well

They were glad to have them all,but most importantly they were glad they had each other

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