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This is funny considering I have another one called siblings
This is the last one (finally)

Lizzie grinned as she heard a splash of water,signalling someone was swimming around her and she knew exactly who it was

The axolotl continued with sorting her prismarine until the sound of footsteps caused her to try not to laugh,waiting until the person got closer

Just as she knew they were right behind him,she hit their legs with her long tail and turned when she heard a thud while letting out a laugh

Jimmy stood up while muttering under his breath,dusting himself off before glaring at his sister "Why would you knock me down!" he pouted while crossing his arms

"Because you thought you could scare me" she said while flipping her hair out her face and continued grinning at her younger brother "Your too loud Jim" with that she turned and continued her task once again

The cod hybrid huffed and sat on one of the many boxes while watching the taller before pulling out his communicator,clearly messaging someone,she guessed it was Scott or Joel

They continued like that,just enjoying each other's company as they hadn't hung out in a while considering everything that was happening,one being the emperors crown

Another minute or two passes as they continued with their tasks before one of the oceans queens assistances walked in,holding a tray that had two plates with lots of food on it as well as a cup of tea and one cup of coffee

"Here you go your majesty's" the assistant smiled and bowed before running off to do some other tasks,leaving the cod sat confused as the axolotl took a sip from the tea

He looked between the door and the pinkette "You get food and drinks brought to you?" He asked while picking up his own drink,this caused Lizzie to glance at him after placing the cup down "Yeah,everyone does don't you?"

Jimmy rubbed his neck nervously "In case you haven't noticed I live in a hut" his tail started wagging slightly "I have a castle sure but I never use it so they just live in town and do whatever" the blonde had a wide grin on his face as he explained

Lizzie just shook her head and a small smile appeared on her face,she knows how much her brother cares about his people but not just them,his friends and family are usually his top priority.The cod will help everyone before himself and that's what she loved about her seabling

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