Past Soulmates

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Woah Pearl,Etho,Tango AND Grian?? Yes 💪
The pesky bird (Grian) takes them all to Empires (s2) they remember s1
Everyone's platonic soulmates + overprotective tango

Jimmy sighed as he heard three—four thuds and immediately guessed two were Joel and Scott so he finished putting away his stuff before walking outside

What he wasn't expecting was too see his,Scott's and Joels past soulmates,the blonde stood in shock while watching the tallest help them all up

Etho was the first to notice him and grinned "Hey Jim!!" The white haired man watched as he shook his head before jogging over and making sure everyone was okay

Suddenly he was tackled into a hug by another blonde,the sheriff could tell by the heat he could feel and knew it wasn't the Mesa sun

He hugged back before grinning "Hey guys,what can I do for you?" He asked,peeking over the nether hybrids shoulder before moving him so Tangos hugging his back

The other three looked at each other before his 'son' responded "Nothin Tim,just thought these three could use with their soulmates" he pointed toward the two on the right and the one on the others back

They all laughed before hearing two more thuds and turning their heads,seeing the exact two they wanted

"Howdy Sheriff!~" the cyanette shouted with a hint of mischief in his tone and running over to hug his boyfriend before seeing the other "Tangos here!?"

Scott felt a hand on his shoulder and turned "And them." That was all that was said before the god walked over to Etho and hugged him,the shorter soon doing the same and embracing Pearl

Grian laughed at all of them while spreading his wings "Love to chit chat but I heard people have cool empires and I wanna explore" with that he flew off in the direction to the nether portal

After a couple more seconds,everyone pulled away from their hug before facing each other however the colourful man ran over to his boyfriend again and kissed him on the cheek

Suddenly he was pushed away and saw Jimmy trying to escape Tangos grasp "Tango please! It's fine,let me go!!" The sheriff groaned as he ignored "Hes my boyfriend"

"Husbands- if we're counting past lives"

He immediately received a glare from both the blondes and laughed nervously,tilting his fedora down

Etho grins as he got picked up by his soulmate,resting on his shoulder and swinging his legs "Yeah,forgot to mention that too him"

The farmer sighed while fixing her dress,they had just noticed she was wearing her season 1 skin however it looked—different?

No one commented on it however as they didn't really notice as Jimmy was forcing them inside his house and getting them seated

He went into the kitchen to make drinks for everyone despite his forgetfulness the sheriff somehow remembers what everyone likes to drink

The group spend hours chatting,Grian soon jointing them after his exploring and taking his seat on the back of the couch

Tango,Etho and Grian would have to leave soon,so did Pearl but not to a different server so they wanted to enjoy their moments together

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