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Woah okay listen I can explain
Joe and Jimmy is just like a duo you didn't you wanted or needed but you have it and it can't leave
They're dating bc I CAN
Katherine being joes hype man instead>

Joe stared at Katherine like she was insane,which she kind of was as she just freely told him too flirty with the sheriff if it means to leave her alone

The pirate did find him attractive but that was besides the point,actually flirt with the sheriff when it's only them? Dear Joel he could absolutely not

"Please Joe,I have important matters to do and cannot babysit or listen to your rants any longer" groaned Katherine as she began to pick up multiple boxes of wool

In response,the blonde simply huffed before listening and flying off towards the bridge while checking his comm 'Maybe I should tell him' instead however he simply asked Jimmy where he was and conveniently,he was at the bridge

So the pirate took a quick dive and landed almost elegantly however he took a tumble and ended up on the ground causing a groan to slip past his lips and the other to turn at the sound

A small snicker could be heard from the taller before he put a hand out to help the shorter up,he very happily took the offer before grinning

"Joe,what a pleasant surprise" Jimmy grinned at the other blonde before moving his other hand too tip his hat down just like his normal greeting before turning back to his statue "What do you think?"

It was simple,a smaller version of his water tower on some Mesa blocks but it was nice and cozy,a familiar feeling that Joe always got when visiting the other

The pirate simply nodded before leaning on the other which automatically caused the sheriffs arms to wrap around his waist,a small sigh escaping his lips "It's nice,a bit y'know bland but it's cozy"

A comforting silence filled the two before Joe turned and leaned awfully close too Jimmy "You know Sheriff,you look gorgeous in this light" he grinned as his small yellow axolotl tail moved slightly as his fins flapped

The cow burned bright red before electing our nervous laughter "Well-I-Uh-" he was suddenly cut off "As your partner,I think I should confess that I've done some stealing however it was gifts for you!" He grinned,clearly up to something

Jimmy rolled his eyes before bringing the axolotl hybrid closer "I'm not falling for that Joe" a small pout appeared on the smallers face before he snatched the sheriff's hat,revealing the small horns underneath

He quickly put it on before moving away from his boyfriend,wife grin on his slightly scarred face "Cmon sheriff! Are you gonna abide by the cowboy hat rule?" with that the sheriff burned red once again and ran after him,laughter filling up the silence as they ran around 

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