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Sorry for not posting this on the 14th! It was my bday and I'm tired :)
It's like 2am now so it's the 15th for me :)
Have some more Fwhimmy
Is this another argument? Yes
(Posted this the next day no longer 2am)

Jimmy rubbed his eyes as he headed back outside,it seemed much hotter then normal in the Mesa and he had only gotten roughy an hour of sleep

He had been busy making new builds and getting materials but he had also been trying to do all the tasks that the signs said too do and how he had been 'breaking the law'

The sheriff was so incredibly exhausted that he didn't hear the rockets and the footsteps behind him as he was breaking signs

"Sheriff?" That caused him to jump and turn around,seeing a very familiar face which belonged to his 'ex' deputy who happened to believed he wasn't fired

Worry was clear in the goblins face as he held the blondes arm "You look exhausted," he paused for a second "Hoe about you get some sleep" a small smile made its way onto the fingers face

That disappeared quickly however as the taller pulled his arm away before continuing whatever tasks he had today "I'm busy,I have a meeting and-" a quick yawn cut him off "Tasks from someone" he glanced at the shorter

Fwhip groaned at that,following him towards the villagers "Yes but you need a break!" they both ducked under the unfinished train sign "You wont be able to protect others if you don't take care of yourself"

Suddenly he was pushed against the hard yet sandy terracotta,the sheriff towering over him with a glare on his face "Im disappointed and mad at you,so why are you here"

"You're still the sheriff and someone I care about! Im not gonna just stop caring after you told me too" he snapped back,upset that the sheriff would think so lowly of him

A sigh escaped Jimmys mouth before he started walking off "Go back home,I don't need you to be concerned" with that he left and entered one of the many buildings,waiting for the goblin to leave

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