The criminal

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The rulers meeting Oli 🫶
(Him,Jim and Liz being besties and jealous Scott)
Season 2
Multis-ship! (Also pls give requests I have no ideas)
Pushing my hc that Jimmys like a cow/bull

The rulers had been called for a meeting at the Goblands,the sheriff and his second deputy already there as they needed to keep the boy in check

The last to get there was pirate Joe,who,instead of standing at the back,pushed passed everyone and stood next to Lady Katherine

All anyone could hear was talking,each ruler getting more confused and concerned as the goblin and toy bull hadn't arrived,especially Sausage and Scott

However soon enough the queen of Animalia stood up,ears perking up at the sound of walking "Guys,I think that's them!" Lizzie called out to alert the others

And the feline was correct,it was in-fact the sheriff and his short friend but Fwhip was leading the way while Jimmy was holding something,as they got closer they saw it was a guy in handcuffs

As they got closer,everyone started quieting down waiting for some sort of explanation as to who the lighter haired blonde was

The three stopped,Jimmy handing the seemingly innocent man to Fwhip "Hello everyone,sorry for being late we ran into some difficulties" the blonde said while rubbing his neck

"Now! We have found the person who opened the end and stole from princess Gem" as he said the last line he tossed a goat horn to the other ginger,who happily caught it and put it in her little sack

However the noise started up again,everyone confused on how this guy opened the end

Jimmy held up his hand,signalling silence and he immediately got it before signing "We've learned that his name is Oli and that he's not from here,he's from a place called Afterlife if I recall" he looked over to Oli who simply nodded

The bull hybrid smiled before nodding and turning back around "Oli will be staying in Tumble Town until we figure out more,thank you for coming" he turned around,lightly tugging the handcuffs so he'd follow him

Now it's been atleast two weeks.

Scott hardly got to see him and when he did Oli was usually there

Right now all the empires were at tumble town,simply for a small 'vacation' as Lizzie called it

Sausage and Fwhip were handing out drinks,or more accurately Sausage was while his gremlin boyfriend held Hermes

The queens of the Evermoore and the cliff,Shubble and False were sat on the stairs to the ender portal

Princesses Gem and Katherine were sat in the nice cold water near the farms

Pirate Joe was sat with Pixlriffs infront of the board next to Jimmys house

Last but not least Joel and Scott were just outside the house

The god of the three was teasing the cyanette as he was fully aware of his jealousy while laughing at the same time

Scott just rolled his eyes and looked back in the direction of Lizzie,Jimmy and Oli,all three were running throwing water balloons at each other

Soon enough the three got tired,Oli decided to go talk to Joe and Pixlriffs while the blonde and pinkette walked over to the other two

Lizzie sat on her husbands lap,happily talking about whatever was on her mind

Jimmy walked over to Scott and kissed his cheek,just after realising the look on his face "Scott? What's wrong,why are you upset?" The cow hybrid cradled his boyfriends face

The colourful man just looked away,grumbling something under his breath that the hybrid heard but knew he shouldn't of

A grin slowly appeared on his face "You're jealous." Jimmy's smile widened and he circled Scott,his tail happily wagging "The Scott Smajor,king of Chromia,is jealous of Oli!"

Scott's face flushed bright red,grabbing Jimmys waist and hiding his face in his neck,causing the taller to let out another chuckle as he wrapped his arms around his neck

Scott knew fully well that he would get teased about this in the future but he didn't care at the moment,he just wanted Jimmy to shut up

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