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Grian stealing while ESMP false watches
I like False
She's very pretty in HC and Empires
She wears like boots with heels and is a girlboss in them like

Grian looked through every chest,he had no idea whose empire this was as it wasn't clear nor did they leave any signs but he didn't really care as he continued taking things

It was mainly filled with iron,which was good considering he had nothing after going through the portal that was across from Grumbot,it was also known as the rift

Heels could heard echoing through the hall causing him to stand up straight as his wings ruffled up,quickly turning around as the noises slow lees and eventually stopped right outside the room he was in

There stood a familiar face from hermitcraft,it was False who was stood there with her arms crossed and covered in dirt,coal and other dusty materials as well as her blonde hair tied up so it wasn't in the way

With a eyebrow raised,she leaned against the door frame "Hello pesky bird,care to explain what your doing?" She asked with a small smirk on her face,adjusting her goggles as she watched the parrot get nervous

"I needed materials and well I thought that maybe I could just..borrow them?" He asked,watching as the woman's face didn't change for a few minutes until the smirk changed unit a soft smile "Go ahead,I have like thousands of iron as long as you pay me back"

The shorter nodded and began taking more again,not before stopping and quickly hugging the taller before resuming his 'borrowing'

False didn't mind,the other was a bit like the sheriff who was usually always round for iron for the train track which made her grin every time considering not many people visited

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