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Woah an implied flower husbands one? You bloody bet bro
What else am I meant to do for flowers 😒

Scott smiled as he walked around Chromia,it had changed a lot since he first arrived,he had lots of buildings and new plans everyday

He headed towards the large wagon that his family often traveled in,the wagon contained all of his dyes,as that was his main export

After a minute or two he sighed,great there was no red dye left for some reason,he doesn't remember the last time someone asked for the colour

The cyanette turned around and headed towards his windmill,infront of it was all of the flowers he needed to keep his dye business up and running

As he got closer to the rose bushes,he saw a flower that wasn't there before,it was still red however it was smaller then bushes however a bit bigger then a dandelion

It was a poppy,the colourful man didn't have any of those not did he place the flower there so where did it come from? It could've grown there sure but there was hardly enough room and he would've seen it before

He picked it up and examined it,it was just an ordinary poppy it seemed,still beautiful as ever however that was until he was blinded by a bright light

Scott opened his eyes,revealing a beautiful cave that resembled a lush cave but better and he didn't recognise it

A clicking noise snapped him out of his thoughts and made him turn his head towards the noise,seeing a blonde sat there who was clicking his fingers,seemingly trying to get his attention

The mystery blonde grinned,that's all Scott could make out as his face was blurred for some reason,almost as if it was trying to keep him hidden

"Finally! You zoned out and wouldn't respond,you alright?" He asked,a cod tail swishing behind him as gills flapped slightly,causing the cyanette to zone out once again

A few minutes passed however it felt like a second before he felt a kiss on his cheek,once again snapping the taller back into conscious and red to flood his cheeks

However the mystery perosn didn't seem shocked "We've been together for ages and now you,Scott Smajor is getting flustered? God it's a miracle" laughter filled the cave

Before he could ask any questions though the bright light appeared once again,making the ruler open his eyes for the second time

He was back in Chromia,still holding the poppy however this time more tightly,he inhaled sharply before dropping the red flower

"Must be cursed.." the colourful man placed a hand over his heart and calmed down,before looking down at the flower only too quickly stomp on it "What an ugly flower"

It felt so familiar but he couldn't put a finger in it but that didn't matter,it probably wasn't real and all that mattered was that the poppy was gone

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