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Idk I just want the seablings to bond :(((((((((
+other bitches ig😒

Everyone gathered around Dawn,including Oli and False,the female blonde was just extremely busy while the other was usually hiding from the ex deputy

Gem was trying to talk with every,of course even if her allies weren't allies with them,she wanted to be polite to matter what

Jimmy and Lizzie were sat together at a round table as they watched the princess talk to the felines neighbours which were Fwhip,Joel and Scott

The blonde smiled as he took a sip of his coffee "You deal with the 'present' that Fwhio gave us?" he asked while eyeing the shorter.She was leaning up against the table with her tail wagging

A small grin slowly made its way to her face,turning to face the other while leaning back once again in her seat "The warden?" a nod confirmed her thoughts even though she knew "I did with some small help from wolfs"

He nodded once again before glancing back up and seeing the ginger combing over,another smile made its way to his slightly dirt covered face "Hello princess Gem,can we help you?"

"Greetings Sheriff,Mayor Lizzie! I was just checking up on everyone" Her butterfly wings fell over the dress at the back and had the illusion they were fluttering "How are you two,anything I can do?"

The pinkette put a hand up and giggled slightly,her ears twitching from the noises of chatting "We're fine don't worry,go enjoy yourself" with a few more words exchanged,the third ran off to another group

They looked at each other before laughing,both trying not to spill their hot drinks on themselves which caused a few of the others to look over

"Enjoying yourselves?"

Both straightened up and turned to the voice,seeing Joel with a teasing smirk on his face while the second,Scott,had a soft smile but was also very clearly ready to tease the two

Lizzie regained her composure almost immediately after,adjusting herself on the seat before talking "If it isn't Joel and Scott of Chromia" she nudged the sheriff with her tail causing him to jump "Isn't that what we're meant to be doing?"

The god simply chuckled before sitting beside the cat  and resting his wings on the arms rests,leaning on one of his hands "Did I tell you Katherine broke Jimmys hat after we defeated the warden in Tumble Town?"

The two looked at the sheriff in shock,who turned a bright red "Sausage,Katherine and I fought the warden while you stood by" he took a quick sip it his coffee "Also the princess was nice enough to fix it for free as an apology"

Silence followed for a few minutes before the cyanette burst out laughing,leaning his entire upper half onto the table before sitting back up while wiping away tears

He sat back up,the colourful man sighing of relief while still chuckling quietly "That's amazing" he left out a huff of air "You're amazing Jim"

A groan came from the tallest while his girlfriend just laughed for the umpteenth time that night,they were all glad they could let loose,even if it was one night

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