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Damn these are getting later and later
Anyway my fav hc family (gem,Oli and Jim) spending family time together🤭
Also Enderman Oli

Oli grinned as both he and Gem got closer to Tumble Town,the empire that the last piece of the trio was the sheriff of,causing him to slightly wriggle causing the gingers grip to slightly slip as she was flying and carrying him

"Stay still or I drop you!" She yelled at him as they got lower,going up and into the bowl "I'll just teleport!" he shouted back,a bit muffled by the wind crashing against both their faces

After another few seconds they landed safely,the enderman dropping first before the butterfly hybrid landed stood beside him,stretching her wings while looking around

The youngest saw a blonde tuft of hair sticking out the ground however she then saw the face that she recognised far too well

Gem nudged the oldest,who in turn glared before looking at the middle child "Jim,over here!" He yelled far too loud for gingers liking however it got the thirds attention,making him jog over

"What can I help you two with?" Jimmy asked while wiping a mix of dirt and sand off his face,both his jacket and shirt sleeves being rolled up too his elbows

The two had wide grins on their face which caused one to sneak onto the others face,the three hadn't seen each other in ages considering they all ran their own empires

Suddenly the princess cleared her throat "We just wanted to spend time also" she quickly glanced around before leaning in closer "Heard you fired Fwhip"

That caused a gulity look to appear on the sheriffs face while the bard was shocked "When was this? Did he lock me in a cage without being the deputy?"

The ginger laughed at his reaction "no he was fired a few days ago,after you escaped" then she looked at the other "Don't be guilty,he technically broke the law and you warned him did you not?" That caused a half nod out her brother

She sighed before continuing "If you go to court think of this,you know Oli and you can bring him with you" the princess smiled and gestured to the 8ft tall enderman "He can say what happened in the cage"

They all burst out laughing with the sound slightly echoing in the bowl,thankfully all the villagers where on the other side

After calming down,Jimmy finally invited them into his house which was the main building in Tumble Town,after all they were there to hang out.

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