MCC but they visit Jim?

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they swore but that's okay I love them
Punk,Sparkles and Sneeg visit on empires

Jimmy continued signing important documents that were meant to be done yesterday however he,and many others from other servers,had to make their way too MCC which was an event held by Scott

While reading through yet another document the sound of fireworks could be heard just outside the door which was soon slammed open by his newest ally,Joel of Stratos

A small smile made its way too his face "Joel,pleasure too see you I wanted to discuss-" he was suddenly cut of by the voices of two other emperors which so happened to be both Scott and Fwhip who soon entered

"Okay,what happened?" Asked the blonde while putting the the piece of paper that was previously in his hands before leaning back and putting his feet the desk as the three approached

Fwhip pulled out his communicator and shoved into the sheriffs face,who in turn shoved his arm away "I need you too check out these three" the goblin said as his tail waved side to side with an sngry scowl on his face

With that,he stood up and exited the jail,the three other rulers following closely behind however just as the left,the blonde was suddenly tackled too the ground by three people

After regaining his composure,he looked up at the three that had tackled him before a wide grin made its way to the sheriffs face "Captain,Punz AND Sneeg?! What are you doing here?" He asked before pulling the three into a hug,just last night they had been a team in MCC but were soon separated when the event ended

"We wanted to see you again" CaptainSparklez said before standing up and helping the sheriff off the sand "Yeah,plus we hardly got to celebrate the win" Punz added on while leaning on the wooden wall,a smile spreading across his cheeks at the shock on one of the emperors faces while Scott and Joel simply chuckled to himself

Sneeg suddenly jumped onto the sheriffs back,wrapping an arm around his shoulders while flicking up the sheriffs hat "Plus we sat a saloon so!" the skeleton suddenly started pulling him from the jail towards the saloon "Free drinks?" He asked quietly,too which the sheriff nodded back causing a cheering noise to escape his throat

The other two teammates followed closely behind the canary and the skeleton,singing out the chant their chats had made for them at the start of the championship,they would've be there for long but they might as well enjoy it

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