Getting along

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Fwhip and Lizzie hang out (With Hermes) since he wanted both of them
Joel and Sausage find them causing chaos
Also I made him a human bc its easier

Fwhip groaned as he heard a knock at the door,he thought it was his day off so he could watch over Oli

However that wasn't the case,the knocking got louder as he stood up "I'm coming,I'm coming" he said as he stood up and started changing

Soon enough he walked to the door and opened it,just as he was about to speak though he was tackled to the floor

"Jesus!" The ginger slowly opened his eyes only to be with Hermes,who was grinning ear to ear and slightly bouncing on his stomach "Hermes,you scared me!"

The kid simply laughed before trying to pull him up,eventually Fwhip just stood up,looking up at seeing a familiar cat,holding her mask

He smiled and nodded,simply saying he won't tell anyone as she put her mask back on before speaking "He wanted you to hang out with us"

Hermes always looked a little sickly however no one questioned it,the shortest looked between the two before grabbing their hands and pulling them "Come on!! Mister Jimmy is away and I wanna play in the sand!"

With that the trio made their way to Tumble Town,realising the sheriff is infact away visiting Gem

The pinkette found a kitchen and started making lunch while occasionally checking on the other two,seeing them making angels in the sand

Lizzie never got to actually hang out with Fwhip,sure they've met and talked but they've also never actually hanged out before

It had been hours,Jimmy had came home by now and simply told them to do what they want,as long as it's not against the law

Joel and Sausage both finished their work by nowbut we're on the search for Lizzie and Hermes,as they weren't at Animalia

The last place they looked was Tumble Town before seeing the three,the cat was covered in sand and was shaking to try and get it off,Fwhip was soaking wet while Hermes was fine,giggling and running around

The god was the first to dive down with the other brunette following behind

The second their son saw them,he ran over with his arms wide as Joel picked him up "We played in the sand all day!"

The taller laughed while walking over to his wife and kissing her on the head,her tail wagging happily while the other walked to the goblin was was ringing out most of his clothes

"Had fun?" He asked as the he turned around and nodded, "Thought I had the day off but apparently not" he laughed before leaning on his boyfriend

Sausage just smiled at him "Wanna go home" all he received another nod,making it clear Fwhip was tired and would finally have a normal night of sleep

Maybe he should get Hermes and Lizzie to hang out with him more often but that was enough for today

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