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Woah what's this???
Headcannons 😰😰
Season 2 Joe and Jimmy bc I absolutely love them

Joes an axolotl and often needs water to breathe but forgets to bring a bucket to the Mesa and meetings,Jim brings them for him

— Cow Jimmy AU! He hides his horns bc hes's insecure but Joe loves them and kisses them

— Canary Jimmy AU! He loves his wings being preened by Joe bc of how surprisingly soft his hands are

— SWIMMING LESSONS!! Jimmy can't swim so Joe teaches him (almost drowned multiple times)

— Joe pretends he has a boat license when Jim asks but he really doesn't

— "Nice tits" - Joe
"I don't have tits?" - Jimmy
"..your pecks are really big then" - Joe


— Two bisexuals having bisexual panics

— Literally everyone threatened Joe when they found out he liked Jimmy

— Katherine and Shubble threatened Jimmy tho (His platonic gfs <3)

— Joe and Scott have fake little fights while Jim watches

— Jimmy steals from Joes farm but he doesn't mind

— They swap 'hats' by Joes force,he takes Jimmys hat while wrapping his pirate bandana around Jim's head

— "My empire is your empire"

— Pulling all nighters

— Prankster that makes sexual jokes x the pg one


— loves ice cream/anything sweet x hates anything sweet (except hot chocolate)

— "you look homeless" - Jimmy
"Maybe I can have your clothes then~" - Joe

— Katherine and Shubble tease Joe

— While Scott,Joel and Lizzie tease Jimmy

— Joe makes jokes about what happened at the jail while Jimmy slaps his hand over his mouth every time

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