Coming out

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Trans Jimmy part 2 🤭
I love Joel and Jimmys friendship 🫶

Jimmy looked at himself in the mirror,funny how that that's the reason this all started

A knock from the door snapped him out of his trance,turning around and seeing the 11ft god,grinning and gesturing with his head "everyone's here,take your time"

The bull simply shook his head before walking over "I'm ready,you'll be there for me right?" He looked up while walking to the others

"The whole time Jim" Joel pulled his hat off and ruffled his hair that was between his horns,causing the shorter to his him with his hands

Slowly the two walked outside,seeing everyone in what was meant to be a line but just wasn't,all holding a drink since it was extremely hot in mesa

Sausage and Fwhip were stood at the edge with the goblin holding Hermes since he didn't trust the other

Then it was Pixlriffs,Oli and Shubble,the tallest simply shaking his head at his peers who were trying to guess why they were here

Katherine was simply dusting herself while occasionally sipping her drink,the princesses companion,pirate Joe was fanning her to keep her even more cool

Lizzie and False were sat on the ground,playing tic tac toe in the nicely changed sand

Then there was Scott and Gem,the ginger was clearly panicked as was the cyanette but he wanted to stay calm to help her

The blonde smiled,gazing over at everyone before blowing the horn,causing everyone to look at them while covering their ears

Jimmy grinned before looking up at Joel,receiving a small nod "Hello everyone! I'm sorry for calling you here so suddenly but I have an announcement and something I would like to get off my chest" he sighed,mentally preparing himself

"I'm trans,female to male."


Suddenly though everyone started clapping,Gem running up to him and hugging him right with everyone trailing behind

The younger grinned and cupped his face "I'm so happy you told us and I'm glad to have you as a brother!" the princess gripped onto him tight and brought the older into an embrace

Soon the two pulled away and everyone started chatting,some saying they should throw a party in celebration

Scott walked over to Jimmy and kissed him,slowly pulling away causing the other to go bright red "Still the same old sheriff" Jimmy rolled his eyes

He'd have to make it up to Joel someday.

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