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Jimmys a canary elytrian/avain
Tommys his little (adopted) chicken

Tommy groaned as he flopped into his unbelievably uncomfortable bed which caused his back and wings to ache even more than they already had

Thankfully the wings on the side of his head were less dirty then his main ones,his feathers just above his bottom were also the cleanest and only had a few bits of dirt he could get off himself

The only family member of his that knew how to preen wings (that was able to touch them) was Phil and god knows the 'crowfather' would be far too busy too take care of his son that actually resembled him

Scott was another option but they weren't that close and apparently the starborne had only done it a few times because of his husband who always seemed to refuse the care because he felt bad for making the living star so more work

And his last option was Jimmy,the two had barely talked and even then it wasn't enough for him to be considered family by the others standards but the teen knew that the other had preened wings for a long time,both his own and apparently his brothers Grian who lived in Hermitcraft,Tom had actually met the parrot once

But if it would get the pain off his back then so be it,the blonde opened his door and shook his head so the hair would be out the way of his face and then the chicken had started his trek,gliding down the bridge

After a while of looking and asking around,the teen had eventually found out that the canary was in the pube with some of the others so he made his way up the ladder but soon his new friend gave him a lift and it shocked the taller how easily he was picked up

Opening the door,the duo were met with music and oddly loud chatter as they were getting ready for Christmas as they'd all been busy so none of them had the time to actually decorate the pube

The first person to notice them was Aimsey,the short endarian was Ranboo's sister and speaking of the other endarian,they too had turned and grinned at this sight of them

"Hey guys,glad you could join us!" Shouted the shorter as her hair was wrapped in a bun so it was out the way with her usual outfit on while her sibling waved

Ranboo had on a long dress that just screamed royalty too anyone that saw them as well as the crown planted on their head "Yeah,thought something happened too you"

A small chuckle escaped the bee's lips "Nope! I'm here to help but Toms here too find Jimmy" with that,Tubbo had flown off to help with the decorations that were planned to be high up basically touching the roof

The shortest of the three smiled at the mention of the other blonde's name "He's just out on the grassy balcony chatting too to your family and Scott" they said before going back to his previous conversation

Tommy only sighed before making his way to the described spot only too see it was true,the canary was talking too Phil,Techno and Wilbur who all seemed to be enjoying the conversation while Scott was stood to his side,occasionally sipping the clearly alcoholic beverage in his cup

Jimmy was the first to notice the slight shorter and grinned,showing all of his teeth while waving the other over who slightly stumbled over himself before standing there awkwardly

Just then the phantom spoke up "Tom,what's up!" it was basically yelled as the brunette clearly had too much to drink in celebration which caused the chicken avain to move back before gesturing to the taller blonde "Needed to borrow him"

With that,he dragged the taller away as the four watched in slight disbelief that he basically stole someone but awkwardly laughed it off before continuing to chat about whatever

The two continued until they were outside the building, the shorters wings were puffed up as his face was tinted red from embarrassment "Tommy,what's up?" Said the taller as he leaned down slightly

He quickly huffed in annoyance at himself before speaking "So we both have wings and I know we aren't close but I do NOT trust Phil at all and I know Scott knows how to preen wings but I just feel like it would be weird y'know? So you were my last resort and-" he was suddenly cut off by a hand on his shoulder

A small smile was planted on Jimmys face "I'm honoured,come on let's head to your base yeah?" With that his large golden wings flapped and he picked the teen up by his arms before flying off,laughing loudly at the shouting of the younger

As the two landed,Tommy floated for a second or two before fully planting his feet on the floor before opening up the door,revealing a surprisingly clean house considering all the stuff the chicken owned however when they stepped into the bedroom it dawned on the younger just how messy his bed was

Jimmy simply started messing around with the blankets and pillows,making it into some sort of circle before patting the middle,signalling for him to take a seat despite still being utterly confused "So I take it you've never made a nest before?" a shake of the head was his simple answer

"So for some females or chickens such as yourself,it's sometimes made for laying eggs but that's not important-" he cut himself off with a chuckle at the face of the male "However for the majority it's for a place of warmth and comfort! Different species of avians are much different on their nests so I just made one similar to ones I make if that's okay?" He asked before continuing his rant

"Yeah,it's good" the white feathers on the side of the blondes hair flapped slightly showing that he was being genuine and too prove it further,he moved further back to the point he was laying down but still listening

Jimmy chuckled for the umpteenth time before continuing "So yeah,again all species are different, but majority of them all only let partners,closer friends or family into their nests and preen their wings which is why I'm honoured you asked me too do this,are you sure about that?" He received a nod as his answer

So then the canary climbed behind the other and started to clean his wings,taking a break whenever the younger needed it considering the mess hid wings were in,he was surprised he had feathers left by the end of the session

Tommy had fallen asleep on top of the other as they were both still cuddled into the nest,Jimmy's large yellow wings draped over him as a sort of protection thing,he wouldn't talk about this as the other had asked him not too but it's likely he would tell atleast Scott but that's okay

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