
640 18 4

Swap AU
Jimmy ~ Scott
Lizzie ~ Joel
Fwhip ~ Sausage
Joey ~ Katherine
Oli ~ Pixlriffs
Shubble ~ False
False ~ Gem
Gem ~ Shubble
Flower husbands + Wither husbands

Scott grinned as he finished a build in the town he lived in,taking off his sheriff hat and rubbing off the sweat that had surfaced under his bangs

The sheriff heard multiple voices and the sound of feet,sighing and turning around,laughing slightly as he saw who it was

His deputy,Sausage,was carrying his boyfriend Fwhip,the ginger being the loudest of the three and making them laugh

To the right was the king of Chromia and his boyfriend,Jimmy who was holding his very colour fedora and covering his face while trying to clearly not laugh

Soon the three got into the main part of
Tumble Town,all looking around at the progress that was made

"Hello you three,how can I help you?" A Scottish voice said,causing them to look towards it,seeing the cyanette standing with a cheeky grin

Sausage put down Fwhip and hugged him,his goblin ears happily wiggling "Hiya Scott! We just wanted to visit" he put his hands on his waist as the other two walked up

The ginger and brunette decided to go for a walk,leaving the cyanette and blonde by themselves

Jimmy looked at the other before softly smiling "I missed you" Scott side-eyed him before hugging him "missed you too King~" he stuck his tongue out

They both laughed quietly before kissing,finally parting when they needed to breathe and leaning their heads in each other

They've both been busy however they can always make time for each other

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