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Villain Jimmy please I'm crying for it he desperately needs a villain arc
I need it or I will cry ☹️☹️☹️

Jimmy sighed as the sun set over the horizon,it wasn't fully set but he needed to leave with atleast a bit of sunlight

He looked back at the sheriff hat and badge before turning back and flying off with a new elytra,one that didn't have the sheriff badge on it

With that he landed outside of Tumble Town,just further then the gunpowder farm and near a small hole in between the multiple cliffs of terracotta

The blonde entered the hole and pulled out his gun,shooting the target which caused a small elevator to work,bringing him further down into the cave

He grinned as he heard laughter getting louder the further down he went,as soon as the elevator hit the bottom it got quiet however,seeing all the bandits with their crossbows drawn

"Calm down boys,just me" a few seconds went by before all the bandits started cheering,they hadn't seen the boss in about a week since he was busy getting materials

He laughed as some of them embraced him in a hug,the blonde pulled away before looking around "Anyone found this place yet?" He asked while walking towards his office

One of the bandits followed him with a nervous smile "we heard talking,it seems some of your old friends want to investigate" he said,obviously a bit scared of what he will say

A simple nod came from Jimmy "Make sure they don't find this place" he unlocked the door and turned around "if they get in do everything you can to stop them"

He slammed the door before walking to his desk and sitting down,a long sigh escaping his lips as he looked at the stack of paper in front of him

The blonde used to be the sheriff,he used to be able to walk around above and not worry about anything,he had friends who cared about him

But now? No,everytime he goes above ground he had to hide his identity,he has to worry about anything and everything and all of his friends seemingly didn't care

That's fine however,he had these people,bandits,who cared and listened.He could do what he wanted,no need to keep up the good guy act

Jimmy could be anything,he could do anything

That's why he was going to burn the entire server to the ground.

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