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Anyway fwhimmy was canon (real !! Not click bait !!) so that'll be the next one bc of Jimmys new ep title
Anyway lizzies new ep spoilers

Lizzie grinned as she finished the new house that was just outside of Animalia,built specifically to hide her secret slime farm for her new residents

She had a few more frogs then she expected and didn't want them to be homeless,as well that they seemed to be friendly with the frog from the cutter council

As they moved in she grinned and pulled out some emeralds,the jobs she had given them were fishers so she wanted to see what they were trading

It was cod,she had followed a trial of them too the pirate's land however thankfully these ones were alive so the feline traded all her emeralds for an unhealthy amount of cods in a bucket

Then the pinkette decided to decorate the path with said fish and of course slime,digging out small holes that were either replaced with the slimy green block or water that contained the fish

However she suddenly remembered something,the book that mentioned that axolotls were excellent guards had mentioned something about cod so she quickly ran inside once again,waving hello to the critter council

Lizzie found the book and opened it,skimming each page quickly before finding the last page she was on that talked about the ocean empire before once again turning the page

On the paper contained information about the cod empire,there seemed to not be alot of information about the fish itself but about the ruler who happened to be a cod hybrid

She read over all the information that included how it was founded,the rulers family and friends,his allies and enemy's however nothing about the protecters

The only thing that resembled that was the cod council that reminded her of her own council,the kings one however seeming confiscated the cod head which held a dear importance to him

The feline noticed one thing however,it was a photo of all the past rulers,taking a closer look she could see that most of them resembled her fellow rulers

She gasped as she realised,she resembled the ocean queen and the sheriff looked a lot like the codfather,she then continued to connect to the ones who resembled the people she knew

It seemed that history would repeat itself just a bit differently,who knows? Maybe she'll find keep this a server as she did in the past with the prophecy book,only time will tell.

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