Old sheriff

377 8 13

Everyone meets Jimmys new father figure
Both the sheriffs are cow
Also s1 Joel
Flower husbands + some other ships

Scott looked down at the cat who was dragging him via wrist as his brother in law(?) followed slightly behind them also seemingly panicked while the rest of the emperors were hit on their tails,literally

Apparently Lizzie had received a letter from her brother about meeting the old sheriff of Tumble Town and he was ecstatic too say the least

As they turned the corner they could hear the chatter only too see the cow hybrid they cared for deeply beside a much older cow hybrid who looked a lot like Jimmy besides the gray hair and being a normal height

The man seemed to be holding the new sheriff like a baby,almost similar too how Fwhip was holding Hermes at the moment 

A cough from the short king caused the two too look over before the shortest grinned and jumped down,running over too the past Mezalian king "Guys,welcome!"

Lizzie also instantly picked up her brother and checked him before placing him on Scott's shoulder which caused the cyanette to grin slightly as he felt ears and horns poke at him while the tail thumped against him

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" The feline asked the cow hybrid as her past husband came up behind her,a worry look painted on his face which was unusual considering the God would usually joke about any situation

A small chuckle came from the blonde as he gestured the old man over "I'm fine mate but this is Marty,he was the old sheriff about thirty years ago" with that he hopped along everyone's shoulders and eventually ended up on Marty's

Said cow hybrid bowed slightly while going too too a hat,only too laugh nervously when he remembered he no longer had it "Pleased too meet you all" quickly he took a glance at the pink haired feline,who had been standing infront of him with a sharp glare

"You must be his sister? I'll admit you look nothing alike" that caused a small snarl too come out of the Animalia mayor "But it ain't my place too judge"

Then he looked at the cyanette,who's shoulder Jimmy was just previously sat of "And you're the Scott Smajor,king of Chromia" Marty then took the sheriff and placed him on Lizzie's shoulder,who in turn smiled warmly at her brother

The gray haired man then walked closer,face to face with the shorter which caused everyone too look at them "Hurt him and I swear too god I will torture you in every life"

Scott gulped before looking away too Joel who in turn,looked away and started nervously talking too Sausage which caused a glare 'This dudes just like Martyn' he thought before snapping out his thoughts and nodding

"Good,now who wants too drink at the saloon?"

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