Missing Hat

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Slight NSFW (i hate this 🤭)
I have too many story ideas but then I forgot them but why not make one inspired by someone I look up too :)
(check out "Hey,Who's Got My Hat?" By DJJordanne )

Jimmy sighed and grinned,sure his friends killed him multiple times,the sheriff knew they were having good fun and he did get his stuff back

Atleast most of it,he couldn't find his hat however he found his wings so it shouldn't be too far

The blonde looked around at everyone there,Fwhip,Gem and Oli seemed to be fighting about something while Sausage laughed,he couldn't find Scott until he felt someone touch his shoulder

"Scott,that's not funny!" Jimmy yelled,lightly hitting the cyanette who burst out laughing,removing the hat from his head to run a hand through his hair



The shorter turned around,glaring at the taller who kept an innocent smile on his face,Jimmy put his hands on his hips "Scott Smajor,give me the hat"

Scott's hands instantly flew up to keep the hat on his head "I'm the sheriff and it's against the law so no!" the boy grinned,happy with his impersonation

They both laughed,the others lasting longer than his,as Jimmy slowly realised something,not only was Scott breaking a law but he broke the cowboy hat rule

His face went bright red as he quickly snatched his hat and put it on,hiding his face

Scott look at the shorter confused,putting on his own hat and he slightly crouched down and raised the others head "You alright?"

Jimmy avoided eye contact as best as he could "Well you see" he tried to pick his words carefully "Have you heard of the cowboy hat rule?"

That just made the other more confused

Jimmy shook his head,still clearly flustered and trying to get away "Just uh- ask around,I gotta go!" he ran off towards the main part of tumble town

The cyanette just shook his head before walking over towards the group,the first to notice that Jimmy left was Gem,"Where's our dear old sheriff?" She asked,folding up her fan

He just pointed towards the sheriffs house,the two fingers running off too bother him with Oli to bother him, he watched before asking his question

"Hey Sausage,what's the cowboy hat rule?" He faced the other,the brunette stared at him before laughing "It's mainly for ladies but it's the 21st century,it's where if you wear a cowboys hat,you have to ride the cowboy"

They both stood there in silence before Scott turned  bright red,turned and started flying towards Jimmys house

He noticed the three were hopping into the nether portal but prayed that the Sherrie was at home

He in-fact was.

The blonde turned around and grinned,acting as if nothing happened while the cyanette got closer and  put the sheriff hat back on

"Guess we're gonna have to follow that rule~"

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