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Omg finally I'm so close to this stopping 😭😭
Well atleast until the 6th one
Also omg a solo False one (not really Pixl is in this but like for a second 😒)

The blonde sighed as she tied up her long hair into a bun before putting on her gloved and picking up her screwdriver

However the sound of footsteps made her pause and turned around only to see the only other intelligent member of the server which caused a small smile to appear on her face

As Pixl got closer,he finally spotted False and grinned before jogging over "False,you don't mind if I take some iron do you? I wanted to double check" the brunette rubbed his neck nervously which caused her to roll her eyes

"I don't mind as long as you pay me back,off you pop now" she pointed towards her farm before seeing the taller run off,shouting a small 'Thank you!' as he vanished causing her to let a laugh fall past her lips

A groan followed soon after as she turned back to her bench and started adding the finishing details to her project that had been going on due a while now

It wasn't a huge project,it fact it was a small one and it was similar to Scott's however just from scratch,he only modified the elytra to be colourful like himself while she wanted to completely make her own

They worked the exact same and almost had the same look however hers were a bit shorter and of course had her own flair to it

The sound of footsteps caused her to once again turn around,lifting her goggles in the process "Bye False,thanks for the iron!" yelled the archaeologist as he left as she faintly yelled a 'you're welcome!' back

After a few minutes or what was realistically an hour,she stopped and stood back while once again lifting her dirty goggles that she would have to clean up later

With that,False lifted up her new pair of wings and felt a sense of pride was over her causing her to put on the wings as fast as she could without damaging anything

It fit perfectly around her chest and shoulders as well as feeling comfortable,all of which she wanted before realising that everyone would see it,all the server members would see her custom made wings

Just about that made another wave of pride wash over her as well as a wave of anxiety but she pushed it away,there was only way to know if they would like it but that's for another day

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