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Inspired by someone's art I saw ages ago on tumblr and forgot abt it till now (the art will be at the end and they also look like the art )
Season 1
Jizzie is back baby 🫶🫶 (and flower husbands but I write them all the time)

Before Exile

Scott laughed as he watched Lizzie run her hands through Jimmys hair and complain about how curly it is from the water,the blonde also complaining however it being about the pinkette being mean

The cyanette suddenly saw some brown hair appear beside him and turned his head slightly as he felt a hand in his shoulder "Welcome to being a fishfucker" said Joel while grinning but not looking at the taller

His smile turned to a frown as both arms moved infront of him "I cant not explain how little I want you to touch me" the shorter simply laughed,causing them to get the seablings attention

Jimmy's head swirled around,a bright grin on his face when he saw both of them,mainly Scott,the cod fixed the turtle neck before grabbing Lizzies hand and running over

The king of Mezalia smiled more and hugged his wife,who instead picked him up and held him so his face was buried in her neck

However the blonde walked up to the other,he was shorter then the elf so he pulled him down and gently kissed him on the cheek,causing him to go a light pink

Scott pulled him closer and kissed him again,this time on the mouth and laughed when he pulled away as Jimmy buried his face in his chest because he was clearly a bright red

Nothing could separate the two,that's what they believed after finding each other after what happened in their past life

But nothing happy lasts forever.

During Exile

Jimmy sighed as he looked at the corruption,it's slowly been getting worse and everytime you break it it comes back,taking out more in its path

To make it worse,the only person that seemed to know atleast a little bit has disappeared,that person being his husband Scott

The blonde knew better,he searched and couldn't find him however he hasn't given up,he knows the cyanette will return in his own time

For now however,he was taking car of both empires,sometimes some of the cod people went when he was busy while some elf's came here to either live for now or to pick up stuff

He heard rockets and feet landing,turning around he saw Gem,the poor ginger was slowly freezing but no one could find how to stop it

"Have you got more of that soup?" She asked,the cod had been making boiling soup with some healing potions to try and help,it slowly has been but of course not enough to stop the cold

Jimmy smiled softly before running instead and getting some of the soup,she visited the same time everyday,sometimes with Fwhip

The witch slightly bowed before eating the entirety of the soup in a second,causing the taller to laugh a lot

While Scott's been gone,Jimmy went through some sort of transformation,both seablings did,Lizzie was how the blue axolotl and had grown to be 10ft,an axolotl tail and fins had sprouted as well as multiple spots everywhere

Him however,he grew,not as tall as his sister but he was now taller then everyone else,the blonde also had multiple spots,the ones on their faces resembled freckles,he had cod fins and a tail,as well as some weird spikes on his back,his sclera were black and he had grown to be much stronger then before

Everyone was shocked by the transformations but by now had grown to love it,the also occasional helped around with Pearls farm,heavy and fragil potion boxes and the unhealthy amount of things Joel needs to build his palace

They both sat down near the water,the ginger bringing up Scott at some as she was worried to which he reassured her,knowing he would come back

Or atleast he was hoping.

After Exile

Jimmy sighed as he heard multiple people land and run over to him,as he turned around he was immediately in-braced into a hug,the blind looked down and saw the person he missed the most

Scott,looking up at him with a bright smile on his face and wings still flapping behind him,making him slowly fly up

The elf was now face to face with him "You've certainly grown cod boy,height and muscle wise" he smirked and winked as his partner laughed

He fanned himself,a slight clinking noise could be heard from his armour "Scott Solidarity-Smajor you have not changed in these past few months" the cod brought him closer and kissed him passionately

He heard the voice of the other empires but he didn't care,neither of them did at the moment,they both pulled away with wide grins on their faces

"How has everyone been?" Asked the cyanette asked in a soft voice,referring to both their people and himself,during his self exile all the king thought about was the cod

Jimmy simply nodded before replying "They've been good,so have I" he took a second to pause before continuing "Me and Liz also went a transformation as you can see"

A simply 'mhm' was heard as Scott buried his face into his neck,wings spreading and around around them both,just happy to be in each other's arms after so long and that's all they needed


Woah this is like 900+ words wtt what happened to me guys help
Anyway here's the art! If you know who it belongs to pls tell me so I can credit them
(I put all the images together into one but if you do find them they'll be separate)

Woah this is like 900+ words wtt what happened to me guys help Anyway here's the art! If you know who it belongs to pls tell me so I can credit them (I put all the images together into one but if you do find them they'll be separate)

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