Oh no.

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Omg what's this?? Ghost finally writes some Lon awaited Nature wives crumbs?
Katherine new ep and Joey flirting with the two of them while Scott and Shrub watch 🤭
Pretty sure this is my longest one

Katherine served the three some tea before taking her sat in between Shubble and Jimmy on the stairs outside the blondes house

As the four talked,they occasionally talked,sometimes cracking jokes or going on about what's happening in each of their respective empires

However as it got later,the princess and sheriff had both gotten up,both doing some sort of formal dance as they're partners had no idea how to do it

They watched with grins on their face however they heard a swoop,looking up slightly and seeing Joel,the self claimed 10ft god land beside the other two and seemingly making fun of them,more specifically the sheriff

The deputy,Norman,walked out from the house and curled up in the middle between the witch and the king,both's attention turning and giving the small cat attention

It was like that for a few moments,the voices of the blonde and brunette fighting while the blackette just laughed,the cyanette teasing the shorter about her relationship while she pet the sleeping cat

The god looked up at the sounds of rockets,seeing it was pirate Joe,he stayed quiet as they didn't have to best relationship but he knows something weird is happening between him and Katherine

Unfortunately the sound of someone running on sand and failing miserably caused them to turn around only to be tackled,the princess being knocked back into the 'toy' and making them fall somewhat like a domino effect

Katherine opened her eyes slowly,seeing a wide grin and bright green eyes looking at her before getting up and helping his 'lover' up who almost instantly turned and making sure her friend was okay

After assuring her he was fine,Jimmy got up with little help and looked over to the one to at caused this,seeing it was pirate Joe and slightly growing before putting on a small smile

"Joe,what can we help with?" He asked,looking over to the princess of glittergrove for some assistance and possibly answers however he received a shrug causing a small sigh to fall out of his lips

A scoff could be heard as he put his hands on his hips,an eyebrow raised and a half smile on his face "I cant visit my favourite people with some gifts?" He leaned forward slightly

They both side eyed each other,clearly having the same thought "Joe is it stolen?" Asked Katherine as she put a hand on his shoulder to ensure he doesn't run around while on a rant

"Not this time my dear pirate princess,you and our little sheriff taught me not to steal remember?" He answered back with a question and smiled more when he received a nod

With that the pirate pulled out loads of treasures causing basically everyone to stare in shock except the sheep hybrid who's tail dropped almost sadly

As that happened,Joel walked towards the stairs "What's going on with those three? Is it like some sort of poly relationship we don't know about" he asked as the two snapped their heads up and see what was happening

Shubble was the first to react,groaning and slowly standing up "No however Joe seems to think they are after he got arrested by them" she fixed her hat
with a small pout

Scott followed soon after,dusting off his jacket before grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards them,the coyote and sheep hybrid trying to nicely rejected him

As they got over,Joe's eyes averted over and his grin lessened just a bit "I didn't know you guys were here,how are you doing?" he asked while completely ignoring the over two trying to get his attention

The two looked at each other and smirked,knowing what to do they stood beside their respective partners causing both to look at them with curiosity

Katherine looked down as Shubble wrapped both arms around her torso and slightly buried her face into her back,causing the blackette to get flustered

Meanwhile Scott did almost the same thing however one hand was in his hip and the other wrapped around Jimmys waist,the sheriff hiding his red face with his hat

Joey looked between them confused however he slowly got it and turned red in embarrassment "Oh god I'm so sorry I didn't-" he was cut off by the princess raising her hand and a cough

She smiled softly "It's fine,everyone has crushes and does this just calm it down for the next person okay?" She didnt ask,more of stated however she and the other blonde smiled

The pirate turned around before waving goodbye and flying off,Joel soon doing the same as the four were seated where they were at the start

"Can't believe you two did that" Jimmy grumbled,leaning back onto Scott with his arms closed,who simply rolled his eyes and kissed his cheek

Shubble grinned and swung her feet slightly "He wouldn't stop,we had to do something!" they all laughed before continuing talking as the sunset after a long day

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