SHE'S your mother?

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Woah what's this
kinda yeah
Kristin and Phil are Jimmys parents and he's a canary

Jimmy's wings fluttered as he stood in spawn,the rest of the emperors stood behind him and watching as the canary continued to hop from foot to foot while occasionally letting out small chirps

They all glanced at each other before Grian spoke up "Tim,what's going on here?" the parrot stepped closer which earned a glare from the other so immediately he walked back to the group

Suddenly a bright light appeared blinding everyone,causing them to cover their faces with either their wings or arms to protect their eyes however it only lasted a few minutes before the chirping could be heard again

As they all uncovered their eyes,they stood there in shock at the reveal of a woman that was much taller than Joel,she seemed to be around 15-16ft however they weren't sure while next to her stood a man who seemed to be roughly around 7'0 foot with large crow wings on his back,similar to Jimmys

Joel's jaw dropped to the floor at the sight of the woman,eyes flickering between the sheriff and the goddess "Everyone! Meet my mother and father" said the canary as he finally turned around to face the group for the first time

The two parents waved at the group before the god of the sky gained his voice back "You're the son of the goddess of death?!" he yelled,seemingly and rightfully so very alarmed at the new news that had just set in

Jimmys wings ruffled up and extended before closing again as a smirk made its way to his face "Yeah,so? I'm a canary,death runs in the family" he shrugged slight as the other blonde walked over and ruffled his hair,both of their wings opening up,only for the crows to be much larger

Everyone glanced at each other before looking back at the trio,the two blondes seeming to communicate through chirps with occasional laughter cutting thorough while Kristin shrank to be the same height as Joel,smiling at the two

It took a second before everyone started bombarding the family with questions that weren't heard very well unless it was the loudest one being shouted at them,causing them all the look at each other before trying their best to answer everything

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