Mining dangers

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Asked my friend for two empires characters and I got Jimmy and Katherine 🫶
Thats it I love them,my favs
Mentions of injuries

Jimmy adjusted his gun holster and grabbed his pickaxe before heading towards the cave that he and Katherine agreed to meet at

As he arrived,he saw the princess tying up her hair before the blackette saw the sheriff,a wide grin appeared on her face "Ready to go?"

A nod confirmed her question before they both hopped into the small cave,going one at a time to avoid disaster

They continued to walk in the dark cave,the only light coming from the torch that the slight taller held in his left,his right holding his netherite sword

Everytime they encountered a mob it was quickly killed by either one of them before continuing with their adventure

"See anything good?" Asked the shorter as they got closer to some sort of weird substance,it covered a majority of the cave

He shook his head while crouching down,trying to get a closer looked before standing back up "No but I feel like we should go-" he was cut off by a loud groan that certainly wasn't human

The two looked at each other panicked,Katherine pulling out her axe but still backing up while Jimmy turned towards the noise while pulling his gun out

A sudden thump made them panic even more "Katherine get out of here!" the princess looked at the back of his head confused him before finally listening and running towards the exit

He raised the torch to try and see something in the darkness only to see nothing causing him to sigh,just as the blonde turned around however he heard another loud scream

However just as Jimmy went to turn around,a sharp pain went through his body,starting at his back from where he was hit which caused a loud yell to erupt from his throat

He fell too the floor as black dots appeared in his vision which quickly spread,his body going completely numb as the blondes arms gave up on him

Jimmy quickly sat up as he gasped,a hand flying up to grab his head as a groan slipped past his lips as he blinked away the bright light

Two pairs of footsteps could be heard before the door swung open which revealed Katherine,who had a somewhat concerned look while Pixlriffs looked relieved while holding a bowl of soul

They walked over and the princess sat on the bed while the head archaeologist pulled over an old oak chair and sat beside the bed

"How are you feeling?" Asked the older,setting the hot soup down on the bed side table before placing a hand on the blondes head,causing him to groan

He opened his eyes and looked between the two,a soft smile made its way on his face before responding "Like hell,I feel like I just died" a slight chuckle came from him after finishing

The other two glanced at each other before the monster hunter responded "Jim you almost did,you were gone for ages so I called Pixl and Sausage to help me find you" tears appeared in her eyes "We found you bleeding from your back"

The sheriff paled,he was bleeding for god knows how long "We took you back to your house since it was closer,Katherine called basically everyone and Shubble had to come and do a lot of magic" Pixl continued rubbing the blackette back

He looked down,just now realising the he had no shirt on and instead was a bandage wrapping around basically his entire chest and a bit on his stomach

Tears brimmed his eyes while looking up to the other two "I'm sorry" he said,barely above a whisper before tears started falling down his face as he repeated the words 'I'm sorry'

Katherine and Pixl both almost immediately embraced him,the princess softly resting her head on his chest as the archaeologist ran a hand through his hair while shushing him

Next time Jimmy ever thinks of going on an adventure,he'll make sure too be more prepared and not risk his life when he doesn't need to.For now however he would take a while off and heal from what he just experienced

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