Making cookies for my love!

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I love this song so much you have no idea like stir and mix>>
And whats this?? Wither husbands? Yes sir!
Fwhip and Lizzie make cookies for Sausage

Fwhip opened the door happily and instantly being greeted by Lizzie,who instantly hugs the slightly shorter ginger

They both laughed before heading into the house,both of their tails waving in each other's faces as they walked

"So! Cookies for you boyfriend,huh?" She joked slightly,lightly hitting the goblin on the arm who whined almost immediately "You're so mean to me"
the feline rolled her eyes before running off to the kitchen

Almost immediately they started pulling things out and throwing things at each other,nothing dangerous of course

As the two started cooking,Lizzie's tail hit the small  radio that was in the corner and with a grin gestured to the ginger to sing

The ginger rolled his eyes "Making cookies for my love!" He did a small twirl,stumbling straight after "i stir and mix" the goblin pointed towards the pinkette,batter dripping the floor

"Making cookies for your love,you stir snd mix!!" She basically shouted,trying her hair into a bun so it didn't get in the way

They both laughed "He deserves icing and sprinkles,yes all of it!" the pinkette immediately responded by picking up the butter "How exactly long has this butter been out to sit?"

Fwhip sat the on counter,dropping the batter into Lizzie's hands who immediately started mixing "What will I do if he hates me?"

"Im sure he wont!!"

"Will baked good set his heart free?"

"Man I don't know!!"

The goblin hopped down and started stomping his feet and throwing his hands around "I want him to be mine!! For our feelings to combine!!"

Both looked at each other with wide grins and started singing at the same time "I wanna,I wanna,I WANNAAA!!"

Lizzie and Fwhip both continued listening to the music and making all the things needed for the cookies,however they didnt know that Joel and Sausage had been stood there basically the whole  time

The feline tossed him the bowl before continuing "Mix,mix,mix,uh huh!!" She giggled quietly "stir,stir,stir,what's up!!"

The shorter,atleast by an inch,tossed the bowl back as his tail wagged "mix,mix,mix,uh huh!" he watched the cat have full concentration "stir,stir,stir,word up!!" He yelled as the taller laughed

Fwhip then started adding chocolate chips cookies "Love is such a fickle thing" he lightly hit her with his hip "Like a note you just cant sing!"

Lizzie started rolling them into balls and flattening them out,looking at the radio as the song would end soon "Wondering what our hearts will bring..."
She quickly spat out after "Wondering if the bell will ring!"

Both then put the cookies into the oven "I could to from rosy red" he finger gunned the girl "To the major violet blues!"

"Im gonna give him cookies saying-" he started before starting again with her "I LOVE YOU!!"

They both laughed for the umpteenth time before hearing more laughter,they whipped their heads around,turning bright red

Joel was the first to speak up "Amazing singing but when are those cookies done??" He asked pointing st the oven before getting hit by Sausage "They're for me dumbo!"

The mayor of Animalia shook her head and smiled softly "I mean we can all eat them,right Fwhip?" She asked and nudged her companion

He quickly shook out of it and nodded vigorously "Completey fine" the kind of the goblands wat he'd her walk to her god boyfriend before his own came over

"Thanks love" the taller kissed his head softly before leaning on him and listening to the music still playing,slowly swaying side to side

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