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Literally a convo I had with my friend bc she asked if I was vegan despite me loving burgers and nuggets :/
Fwhip and Jimmys friendship (also Hermes has pointy ears) 🫶

Fwhip leaned on Jimmy as he watched the children and adults of Tumble Town dance and sing,as well as sell some things at different stands

The other rulers were in the crowd somewhere,he couldn't see all of them however he could make out Katherine dragging Joey into the dancing as well as Lizzie seemingly begging Joel to buy her fish

He laughed before groaning again,the goblin had ate something and was feeling sick,he had been for the past week,the sheriff volunteered to watch over him while the others had fun

Of course their significant others wanted to enjoy the festival with them but soon agreed and ran off together,saying they'll buy some stuff for them

The ginger hugged the blondes side and groaned again "I feel sick" he said,dragging out the k to make it longer

The taller laughed and wrapped a hand around his shoulders "Are you vegan or something,most of the things you've ate are vegan then you ate real meet" he laughed even more as the shorter looked up with mocked offence

Fwhip let go of him and put a hand over his heart,pretending to be in pain "I can't believe you would suggest such a thin-" he was cut off by someone pulling his jacket

He looked down and smiled softly as he saw his step-son Hermes,in his bag were water bottles and snacks that seemed to have his step-dads name on them as well as a bouquet of flowers

The kid grinned and put his arms up,signalling they would like to be picked up to which Fwhip happily obliged,resting him on his waist

Hermes gave the flowers to Jimmy "From uncle Scott!" He watched as his uncle turned red and thanked him before staring at the bouquet

Then the small purple obsessed boy turned back to his dad,pulling out the water and some small Rocky Mountain oysters from his small over the shoulder hag and handed them too him before pulling out his won own snacks

Fwhips looked at the food confused before facing his friend,who explained to him it was a special and what is was made off (he didn't understand it but went along with it)

The goblands king nodded before eating and occasionally drinking the water,Hermes had fallen asleep almost the second he was done eating

The two sat there until the sun slowly set and the stalls closed down,sure the dancing was still happening but there were less people,everyone tired from the first day of the festival

They were dozing off,Hermes buried into Fwhips arms,who was leaning of Jimmys shoulder who in return leaned on his head

There was a cough that cause the ruler of Tumble Town to open his eyes,seeing Scott Smajor and Mythical Sausage both smiling softly at them

The cyanette slightly crouched down "Almsot everyone's gone,come on now,let's go inside" with that he carried him bridal style into his house,waving a goodbye to his friend

Sausage sighed and turned to his husband and son,putting Hermes on the bench as he put Fwhip on his back,the goblin instantly holding on tighter before picking his son back up and starting his walk,sure the goblands were far,the sanctuary was farther

He was happy they enjoyed themselves,even if Fwhip was feeling sick for the last few hours

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