You have a son!?

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Jimmy's Grians dad and Grian is Tommys dad also Jimmys castle is like Lizzies but smaller and has floors instead of diff towers🫶
They visit and the other emperors/empresses
find out
Tommys gonna be like 11 so Grians roughly 22

Jimmy ran around his empire while trying to not knock over anything with his huge cod tail,he even brought his castle up from the waters

The towns people tried to stay out of his way however if they did bump into each other the king would quickly apologise before running off again

He groaned before heading back inside and fixing up the guest bedrooms,most of the servants were running around trying to clean everything else and the chefs were cooking

The blondes right hand man,Tango,popped his head in,he was a nether hybrid with blonde hair and was just slightly smaller then the demi-god

Tango sighed before pushing him out "I'll sort the beds,the other kings and queens are here" the codfather looked at him in disbelief before thanking him and running outside

The others turned around when Joel pointed out he saw a piece of green coming down the long stairs

Lizzie grinned and hugged her brother when he finally reached them "Jim how have you been?" She asked with a grin

Jimmy grinned slightly" I've been well however I'm extremely busy" he suddenly looked panicked "I have people coming over and-"

The sound of wings flapping made him stop and rub his eyes,still clearly hysterical before putting on a bright smile and turning around,everyone following his gaze

A dirty blonde landed on the muddy grass,balancing himself with his parrot wings before fluttering them then shutting them behind his back,on his back was a bright blonde who had a wide smile on his face and small mostly white wings that looked like fire at the bottom

The small kid jumped off,not bothering to listen to the older or to fully balance himself before running straight into the arms of his grandfather

They both laughed as the third walked over,smiling softly as his son and father "Grandpa Jimmy,look at my wings! Aren't they cool?" the blue eyed kid exclaimed,clearly exited about his wings

"They are Tommy,why not show grand-aunt Liz?" With that,he turned to Lizzie,causing Tom's eyes to widen and do grabby hands

Tommy was eleven however his son said he was found on a street and they guessed from his old family he never had attention

The pinkette immediately took the boy and threw him up,causing the empire to be filled with his laughter

The god turned back to the parrot before hugging him "My boy! It's been too long" causing the older blue eyed boy to roll his eyes and laugh "Dad,just say Grian you sound old"

Everyone else stared in shock,Fwhip was dramatically leaning on Sausage who was trying to hold him up,Pearl laughing at his right

Gem leaned on her witch staff while Joel kept glancing between his wife and his brother in law,
Pixlriffs was on her left and holding the gingers shoulder

Shubble and Katherine were beside each other,the taller handing one hand around the gnomes shoulders

Lastly were Scott and Joey,the king of the lost empire was simply shocked there was another parrot hybrid while the cyanette was surprised his husband had a son

Jimmy turned around and smiled sheepishly "Right,everyone this is my son Grian and his son,aka my grandson,Tommy" there was a few seconds of silence

"YOU HAVE A SON?" everyone,besides Lizzie yelled,the cod sighed before signalling everyone into the castle

After a few minutes,they were all sat at the meeting table,Jimmy standing beside the other blonde and blondish-brunette

He explained how he found Grian and raised him until he left to a place called Hermitcraft,Grian went on a trip and found Tommy,who ran away from the 'Dream SMP' and now lives with him

It was quiet until everyone started asking more questions,the two trying to answer the best they could while they're father/grandpa and aunt/grand-aunt watched,both having smiles on their faces

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