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Oli doesnt know the law bc they locked him up 🫤🫤
So he takes Jimmys hat and doesn't understand when he gets upset (But Jim forgives him)

Oli grinned as he finally reached Tumble Town,sliding down the sandy mountain before stumbling as he reached the bottom

Quickly spitting out the reminder of the sand while standing up,he stood up and glanced around before heading towards the house

He walked in with a huge smile on his face and petting the still unnamed cat before looking around the inside

There wasn't much,just chests and the other basic needs which included a shulker box so he decided to leave until he noticed one more thing

The sheriffs hat.

Now he was always curious how it would look on bim,on Jimmy it looked perfect but it seems no one else had gotten to wear it

So,of course,the bard did the first thing that came to his brain which happened to be to wear said hat,and so he did

There was a full body mirror leaning against the wall next to the feline so he stood infront of it,occasionally posing before laughing

However a cough made him spin around on his heels only to see said sheriff,Jimmy,stood there with an irritated look on his face with one eyebrow raised and arms crossed,leaning against the open door

"Mind explaining why your in my house and wearing my hat?" The taller blonde asked while walking over,the sound of clicking could be heard from his cowboy boots

A grin remind of the shorters face while explaining "I wanted to know if you wanted a song and I just wanted to get to know all the empires" he paused,hand gestures matching every word "And the hat? J just thought it would be cool to be the sheriff"

It was quiet for a while before the dirty blonde sighed and took his hat back,placing it back on his head "It's fine,don't do it again okay?" Jimmy grinned while ruffling Oli's hair "Mainly cause it's illegal to take another's hat without permission"

The others mouth turned into an 'o' shape before nodding which caused the cowboy to laugh before slight pushing him "Come on,I'll come with you round the empires"

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