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Jimmy knowing Scott and Shubble are gonna break the law but acts like he doesn't then arrests them 🤭
Nature wives and Flower husbands

Jimmy watched from a distance as he and Katherine's partners commit yet another crime,silently writing it in his book before starting to get ready to head back

"Jimmy you have to stop this eventually" Katherine spoke up,she had been coming with him everytime and was now getting concerned "Everyone will think your giving them special treatment"

The sheriff simply turned and smiled "I have a plan,I'll tell you it on the way back to Tumble Town,now come on" with that he flew off,the princess following close behind

Scott looked up from what he was doing,seeing two figures fly off but he wasn't close enough to see who it was,so he simply shrugged it off before turning back to his companion

"Let's head back,we're been here long enough" Shubble said,basically speaking his mind before grabbing the rockets,halfing them before both flying back to the Mesa

The blonde had walked into his house and sat down,causing Norman to run over and lay on his shoulders before walking back out

He grinned at his friends face as he told her the plan,both laughing after before hearing two people land and they walked out the barn

Both of their partners ran over with wide smiles,the witch tackling her girlfriend into a hug while the colourful man kissed the other,trying not to disturb the sleeping cat

"What did you two do today,sunflower?" Asked the taller,looking between him and Katherine,both who glanced at each other before responding "not much,we just talked and fed the animals"

Shubble and Scott looked at each other but didn't bother pushing,instead they talked for a few more hours before the three leaving to their respective empires

Now it had been a few days and the two decided to start the plan,they would have to somehow get the two into separate cells without their stuff

The four were now stood outside the jail "Just put everything in the barrels so it's fair yea?" Jimmy said with his arms folded,his and Katherine's stuff in the same one while they got their own ones

The four split up,Jimmy and Scott infront of one cell with Katherine and Shubble infront of the other,the princess nodded which signified too shove them in,which they did

Both quickly locked the doors "What the-" shubble started before trying to pull open the door "Kath! Let me out I haven't done anything!" She slightly yelled,clearly panicked to be trapped

Scott had a similar reaction,he was pulling and pushing the door before looking up and seeing the blonde glaring at him "Jim? What's up with this,is it a prank or?" He asked and laughed nervously

The princess tossed the key too the blonde who attached it to his split ring before turning around and filling out two pieces of paper

"You two have done things,multiple crimes that we have witnessed actually" Katherine flattened her dress while getting her stuff "You're free to contact Pixl and set up a court case however I don't suggest it" she smiled innocently

With that Jimmy turned around "I'm honestly disappointed,I know I haven't technically met Shubble but you're girlfriend is somewhat of a deputy" he faced his significant other with a deadly glare "and don't get me started on you"

The cyanette gasped "No explain! How are you disappointed in me" he knew the answer,he wasn't dumb "Lets see,maybe because your my boyfriend and promised you wouldn't break the law so I had higher expectations but I also found out"

He paused,debating if he should continue however he didn't care anymore "I found out that your original plan was to only flirt with me to get away with stuff" Jimmys face softened,a frown clear on his face

Katherine walked over "We'll think of some sort of punishment,for now get comfortable or contact Pixl to talk" and with that she softly pulled her friend out of the jail

The two criminals look at each other before groaning,the witch going to contact the judge while the other for comfortable

They knew they would be there for a while so why not atleast listen to the sheriff for now

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