Oh no,there's two

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S1 Joey meets S2 Joey (+ Katherine and human Xornoth)
GLOW SQUID PIRATE JOE! (S2 Joey will be referred to as Joe)
And pirate S1 Joey

Joe turned around from his spot infront of Katherine after hearing two thuds behind him and assuming it was the princesses best friend Shubble

However it wasn't,it was what seemed to be him and some random purpled hair boy,the pirate's eyes widened,looked behind to the princess then back again



The parrot's wings slightly fluttered as he drank the tea,seeming awfully calm about this situation as well as the other,they had learned his name was Xornoth

Joe and Katherine both sat there,the glow squid trying to wrap his head around this with a clearly somewhat panicked look on his face while the black haired women rubbed his back,awkwardly smiling

They had learned the two were rulers from roughly 1000 years ago and that Joe and Joey were the same person just reincarnated

The woman coughed,causing eyes to go on her as she moved both hands onto her thighs "Well,what is your relationship,if you don't mind me asking" she softly grinned at the two

Joey and Katherine looked at each other before laughing quietly,a few minutes passed before the blonde spoke up "We're married" he grinned "what about you two?"

The 'king' of Eversea sat up and stared in shock and trying to find the words,pointing to the parrot and past demon then to himself and his wife

'Queen' of GlimmerGrove laughed awkwardly before ruffling her husband hair,causing the glow squid to almost instantly calm down and slightly keft of a slight glow from his markings on his arms

She looked back at the other two "You see,we're also married" the black eyes girl pulled out her purple and pink fan,slightly fanning herself and the green eyed male next to her

The blackette and blonde burst out in laughter,the big wings slightly flapping then closing behind his back then after calming down they continued talking

After a few hours,the four made it to Eversea,the pirate trying to catch the parrot who was laughing and flying above the ocean

Their partners watched from the ship and listening to the profanstes throw once in a while,laughing every once in a while

The elf looked towards the other before asking questions "By any chance,is yours clingy too?" She turned to face him and covered her face as she laughed "Very,love him to bits but god!"

They continued to compare the two and laughing out loud every few minutes,as the two drenched men came back onto the boar they heard a bit of it

"He gets gifts for me all the time however he steals them and I usually return them not because I don't appreciate it but because they were,well stolen" Katherine frowned when explaining and suddenly jumped when she felt something cold wrap around her

She turned around to see Joe with a sad look on his face,clearly signifying he heated what she said,she said and kissed his wet hair "We have money dear and we're royalty so please"

Joey and Xornoth laughed before feeling someone thing,signalling they have to go,the four goodbye before they disappeared,presumably to their time

As much as Katherine liked Xornoth,she like having one Joey

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