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Jizzie 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
It's been a while and I love them :((
I'll write a solo wither husbands soon
Season 2 (Joel is shorter but still taller then the rest)

Lizzie happily walked around her town,saying hello to almost ever villager she could while dusting off her skirt every few minutes

She heard footsteps and looked up,seeing her neighbour from goblands having a wide smile on his face as he had both Joel and Sausage following him,Hermes on his hip

The feline raised a brow,it's not often that you see the god family,plus the the king of goblands running towards you

Fwhips skidded to a stop,still smiling brightly as their stepson laughed happily "Hey Liz! We'd thought we would visit" the ginger turned around before facing her again "Or me and Hermes did,those two didn't trust us"

Just then the other two stopped behind him,both brunettes clearly having a panicked look on their faces before calming down

"Don't run off like that Fwhip! Especially with Hermes" Sausage wrapped an arm around the shorters neck,taking the shulker hybrid back and resting him on his own hip

Next was the god,who simply groaned at the sight of the before walking towards his wife and hugging her close,his beautiful white wings wrapping around her

The two rolled their eyes before laughing,seeing the smaller stand on her tiptoes to see over the feathers and spit them out her mouth

After another minute or two,they finally moved,still around her but not in her face "Thank you" she grinned before slightly pushing Joel off her and facing her stepson "Would you like some amethyst,dear?"

He nodded aggressively,reaching out to her and immediately smiling when he rested on her hip instead,laughing as they walked to the amethyst cave

They all walked in,following the feline women who knew her way around perfectly,reaching into a chest and pulling out a shiny small shard

The five spend the rest of the day hanging out and catching up,of course the two shorter ones planning to cause mischief but we're stopped

After hours of talking,Sausage and Fwhip decided to head back,taking Hermes with that,who of course almost cried but got over it soon enough

Lizzie watched the three Lesbe,her tail waving back and forth,smiling softly when she saw brown hair land on her shoulder,the pinkette reached her hand up and ran her fingers through the brown locks

She watched as the gods wings puffed up and fluttered,his face clearly going red slowly causing her to laugh before kissing his head and purring softly

Everyone else on the server knew they were sweethearts and wouldn't separate them,atleast not forever

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