Sensitive gills

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Omg I've written like 50 oneshots surprised af
S1 Lizzie and Jimmy have sensitive gills and tails 🫶🫶
(Scott & Joel take advantage of this when they find out🤭🤭)

The sound of water splashing made the cod dip himself further underwater,only to see his sister swimming at him extremely fast

Lizzie pulled him above water so they could talk more clearer,she seemed somewhat panicked "Hide me from Joel,he's trying to touch my gills!" With that she disappeared back under the water

He just floated there for a few more seconds before nodding and getting out,deciding to play along with whatever this is

As Jimmy got out he heard both wings flapping and rockets,sighing as he immediately knew who it was "Jimmy,have you seen your sister?" Asked the brunette as he landed

"No I haven't" the cod turned around and faced both Joel and Scott "Why,is it important?" He asked while putting on his codfather head

The other two males looked at each other before the shorter spoke "Not really" the Mezalean king paused "We just wanna test something and ask a question"

He raised an eyebrow,it seemed like his acting was going well but then again,the elf is incredibly smart and could easily see through people

With that,the cyanette walked forward and cupped the slightly smallers face with a grin "You don't mind if I touch your gills do you?"

Jimmys face went bright red as he lightly shoved the taller away,stuttering as he tried to form an excuse "Do you hear that,I think someone's calling me!!" he quickly turned and tried to run off

However,Scott simply chuckled and grabbed the large cod tail which caused the hybrid to stiffen,a hand covering his face

By now,the axolotl had popped her head out which caused her husband to run over and pull her out,almost forgetting about what he was doing earlier

They watched as the swamp king tried his best to hide his face while trying to free his tail however the elf had a surprisingly strong grip

"Come on Sunflower" with that Scott pulled him back and hugged him from behind,raising his hand to slowly rub the gills "What's the matter?"

After a few seconds,Joel's eyes widened as he figured it out "They're sensitive!" He grinned as the other three looked at him "Their tails and gills are sensitive!"

He and the pinkette watched as Jimmy somehow burned even brighter and his tail tucked between his legs in embarrassment

The goddess sighed and chuckled quietly,she knew these two and that they would use this against them but for now,she wanted to tease her brother

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