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Highschool AU Season 2 (they're also still the hybrids I want them to be >:])
Gem and Jimmy are siblings but no one knows 💪
Gem hangs out with the wither rose alliance (swapping Pearl and False)

Gem sat on the couch with False beside her,Fwhip and Sausage on the other couch infront of them,the four of them having either tea or coffee

Suddenly the sound of the door opening then slamming shut caused three of them to jump,the 'princess' simply continued drinking but with a smile "Good evening Jimmy,your late back"

Jimmy didn't say anything and simply pointed behind him,revealing Scott Smajor who was standing there with a grin and waving slightly

The ginger waved back before sending a wink to her brother,receiving a small "fuck off Gem" in return before running off up the stairs with the cyanette following behind him

She simply smiled before closing her eyes and drinking her tea again,opening her eyes and seeing the three with shocked faces "What's up with you three?" She asked,tilting her head slightly

Fwhip was the first to speak,his goblin tail swaying somewhat angrily "You never told us you lived with THE Jimmy" he crossed his arms

Gem laughed "I don't just live with him" she paused,looking at the goblin who sat back up in curiosity "We're siblings" she spoke softly

There was silence for a few minutes then a collective "WHAT" being yelled,she put a finger up and grinned when she headed footsteps coming downstairs

"You four alright down here?" Asked the blonde,holding fake handcuffs his sister and 'friend' got him for his birthday as a joke,a look of concern on his face

The green eyed girl stood up,taking the cups with her "We're alright Jim" she suddenly perked up and turned around "What do you fancy for dinner by the way" she turned back around

The older shrugged "Whatever,not the hungry so maybe nuggets" he suggested and received a nod,he grinned happily "Thanks sis,make sure not to overwork!" he yelled while walking away

She laughed quietly while popping the cups in the sink,planning to wash them later before heading back to her spot on the couch

Her friends all started asking questions,causing Gem to just laugh more before telling them to settle down,saying how she'll answer their questions over dinner

It might be somewhat of a strange one for the siblings but they're happy for more people to know they are related since surprisingly not many people know

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