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Was rewatching Tommys video when he met Grian and Mumbo so I decided let's make that empires

Summary: Scott has to babysit Tommy and Jack (5 & 7) but gets Jimmy to watch them with Grain and Mumbo ( 13 & 10 )

Ofc ages and age gaps aren't accurate but do I care? No 🤭
Season 1 Flower husbands (plus the kids)

"What?? No! I'm not watching all four while you go to the shop" Jimmy raised his voice slightly before breathing through his nose,clearly still upset

The elf wrapped his arms around the coda waist,pulling him closer and resting himself on his back "Please? It won't be long and they're tired so it won't be too bad" Scott begged,he really needed to pick something up

Jimmy turned around and looked down,wrapping his arms around Scott's neck and leaning down,ghosting his lips over the others "Fine but be quick" the blonde grinned

And with that the codfather turned around,gills happily flapping and being very clear since they replaced his ears,not only but his tail also happily swinging

Jimmy entered the living room as he heard Scott rushing out the door and grinned before turning to the couch,seeing the four all huddled in a ball

The emperor slowing walked closer before shaking each kid,seeing them all slowly wake and sit up
"Good afternoon you four,fancy anything to eat?"

At the mention of food the youngest,Tommy,sat up and started jumping on the couch,the youngest blonde was an avian so he couldn't fly but thankfully he can glide so he hardly gets hurt when he falls

Next to wake up was Jack,the poor boy had been in a few accidents and now had a robotic leg and arm,however the brunette also didn't seem to mind

Then the two started trying to wake up the older ones,which eventually worked thanks to Jack shaking them and Tommy screaming,Jimmy had to remind him to be quiet

Eventually the two woke up,Mumbo was first,there wasn't anything interesting about his appearance since he was simply human however the boy always had an interest in red stone

Finally was Grian, the eldest also had blonde but his was a dirty blonde,not only that but the kid had red,yellow and blue parrot wings that were quiet big for his age but the others seem to like it

Jimmy grinned and picked up Tommy,Jack was holding his other hand with Grian and Mumbo holding his tail "You two don't have to hold on you know? You're old enough to walk yourselves" of course he didn't mind

The two simply smiled "Don't wanna get lost in here" Mumbo stated before letting go as they had reached the kitchen,dragging Grian with him to the table

Jimmy turned around again "Can you help Jack as well? I know he can probably do it himself but just to stay safe" he put Tommy on the counter before simply making some chicken nuggets and chips

Mumbo turned around and picked up the robot,putting him across from his seat and making sure he wouldn't fall off before sitting down himself

After a few minutes dinner was ready,Tommy was seated into a high chair as he has fallen off the normal chairs and they don't want that again

Now all four of them were seated on the couch again,Tommy sat in Jimmys lap with Jack leaning on his left leg,on his right was Mumbo leaning against him with Grian on his lap and wings wrapped around them both,all four kids had fallen back asleep

Just then Scott had walked in,a bag in his hand and a smile as he saw the scene, putting down said bag and walking around to the back

Wrapping his arms around his boyfriends neck with a grin he started talking "Had fun?" to which the blonde nodded,clearly tired

Well atleast they know that Jimmys great with kids and clearly wouldn't mind babysitting again


Another little note but schools starting for me again tomorrow so things will be slower

Also I'll probably write something like this again but with them older but still younger then Jim and Scott (bc I like to imagine them both as gods 🤭)

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