Sleepless nights

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Can you tell I love them :(
Fwhips like me and cannot sleep and ends up having weird thoughts but Sausage has to deal with it
Season 1 🫶

Fwhip was laying in his and Sausages bed,wide awake

He knew he wasn't going to sleep for a while but the tinkerer didn't want to be alone with his thoughts,so he turned to Sausage

"Babe,are you awake?" The ginger whispered,knowing the brunette was a light sleeper do he received a small groan

The taller rubbed his eyes and sat up,turning on the lamp at his side "Darling why are you awake at this hour?" Fwhip laughed quietly while turning slightly red,at the nickname and his boyfriends deep voice

Now usually he would say sorry and go to sleep since he never actually has something to say but today he did

"Would you love me if I was a worm?" the ruler of the grimlands stared right into the other kings face,the king of Mythland clearly trying to process the question

Sausage rubbles his eyes and groaned once again, "Fwhip I love you but I will break of this relationship and alliance" he looked over at the other praying he was asleep

Fwhio rolled his eyes and turned around,clearly still in thought

The taller sighed before thronging off the light and getting closer,putting his arms around the others waist "I'm sorry,I'm just tired"

Silence followed for a few minutes until the shorter comes up with another question

"What if I had a bigger di-" he was cut off by a pillow, "Hey! What was that for?"

Sausage rolled his eyes "Goodnight Fwhip,love you" and with that he was knocked out,causing him to smile and bury his in Sausages chest "Night,love you too"

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