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I'm horrible at writing angst stop doing this to me please I'm going insane good sir
Anyway it's not flower husbands today it's s1 Jizzie 💪💪
Anyway uh yeah mentions of death

He groaned as the sun hit directly onto his face,causing the king to roll over and bury his face into the closet thing which happened to be his wife

A laugh slipped past the other as she ran her fingers through his soft hair which made the shorter slowly start to stir in his sleep

"Morning sleepyhead" said Lizzie as she continued playing with his hair,twirling the dyed green strand around her middle finger

The brunettes arms wrapped around her waist and pulled the pinkette closer "mornin' sweetheart" his voice was surprisingly deep as he just woke up

She simply hummed,admiring the shorter who was still trying to register that it's morning and get his body working,making her try not to laugh

He finally woke up fully and grinned as he looked at his wife before kissing her head "Had a good sleep?" The brunette asked as the axolotl hybrid nodded

God they wished they could be like this forever,stay in this position forever

However that came to an end when he came


He was a demon from the unknown however most people would say from the depths of hell,the demon spread corruption around each empire

Xornoth was Scott's brother and the champion of Exor,they had found out how to kill him however they didn't want to believe

But they did,they believed it when they found Scott's body.

That caused even more chaos to happen,almost everyone disappeared except the king of Mezalea who's kingdom had only split but that could be fixed

What couldn't be fixed was his wife who had abandoned the ocean causing her to forget everything and everyone

She may not have been physically dead however her memories were.

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