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Lol sorry for not writing earlier 🫶🫶
Was getting my hair dyed and just been really busy so :((
Wither rose
Sorry it's short had no motivation or ideas

Sausage glanced back at the black flower,it looked so alive but so dead at the same time but still oh so beautiful as the day he got it

He smiled softly at the memories,he and some of his other ruler friends decided to defeat the wither and it was surprisingly easy but of course it had a few difficulties

However he couldn't help but remember what the goblin had muttered under his breath,it was clear as day to him though "Smells like memories" the ginger had said before handing him the flower

And it did,the flower smelt like memories to them both however he couldn't place his fingers in the dot,almost like the gods were teasing him

He had been getting some sort of dreams about two gingers that resembled the goblin from goblands and the princess from Dawn a bit too much,however there was another person

The woman had a combination between dark and light brown hair and was always wearing a green dress that fell perfectly to the floor

It felt all so familiar all the time but again,the gods were teasing him and seeing how much he could remember which was causing him to slightly lose it,of course calming down in a few seconds

Sausage would find out eventually,he would find out why these dreams felt so familiar and so much like distant memories

And Pearl knew,she knew he would find out and just couldn't wait to see his reaction.

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