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Woah joey and Xornoth?
Yeah lols
I've written most of these and two chapters of my flower husbands story in school
Shows how much time I have

Xornoth smiled as he watched everything burn,and god did he love it

He had finally destroyed the majority of the empires,the only one left was his brothers,technically what was meant to be his

However the sound of wings flapping caused the demon to turn around,seeing the lost empire ruler land and run over too him before embracing him in a hug

He only smiled as the king cried into his chest,large parrot wings wrapping around the two as if that would protect them from the fire "Oh sweetheart what's wrong?" He asked despite knowing all too well,acting like he cared

"It's gone,my empires gone!" The blondes yells were muffled as he was buried in the tallers chest,his grip only tightening the longer he help on "I hate this stupid place!"

All the demon did was hush him before rolling his eyes,sure deep down he cared but right now? Not all all,all he cared about was getting rid of his dear old brother that he knew could kill him as easily as he could end him

However a smile appeared on his face "I'll bring your empire back if you kill Scott" he cupped the smallers face,watching as he became confused "this is his fault after all" that set off a flame.

The parrot hybrids wings were suddenly at their full length,quickly flapping which send him into the arm "Whatever I need to too for it back" with that,he was gone

Xornoth knew he would die but he didn't care,not a bit,he just needed that pesky bird gone and out of the way to make his job easier

He didn't feel a bit of guile's,not one single bit.

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