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Fwhip kissed Jimmy in his latest stream so why not write abt it
They get revenge on (parrot) Scott & Sausgae
Flower husbands & Wither husbands

The group were being chaotic and annoying their dear old sheriff,who was upset but didn't act on it

As he turned around he saw Gem lifting Fwhip and Oli off the ground,she's surprisingly strong but then again,the goblin was extremely short and the blonde was skinny as he didn't get much food

The sheriff rolled his eyes and turned around only to die a few seconds later

Jimmy was fuming,while running back he checked who killed him and found out it was his own deputy

'I'm going to kill him myself one day' he through as he got there,picking up all his stuff and immediately put his hat on,the bull turned around,glaring as his tail flicked angrily

The group had different expressions,Sausage looked disappointed with his arms crossed,Gem was still holding Oli,both were laughing as well as Scott
Fwhip was stood in the middle,looking like a nervous wreck

Jimmy just glared and got closer,placing a hand on his shoulder "I'm very disappointed" and with that everyone besides the ginger burst out laughing

Sausage leaned on Scott,who wrapped an arm around him to keep him up "That's so sad,make it up!" he continued laugehing

The ginger looked at Jimmy and grinned,an idea popping up in his head before mumbling something to Jimmy,to which the blonde just laughed and nodded

As soon as the cyanette and brunette stopped laughing,they saw Fwhip kiss Jimmy on the cheek,the two bursting out laughing

However that didn't last long as they were on basically clinging to their respective partners,Sausage picking up Fwhip,who screamed while wrapping his arms and legs around him

Scott grabbed Jimmys waist,the cowboys hat falling off so the cyanette took his off and put it on the blondes head and hid his face,wings wrapping around the bull,almost protecting him

The prisoner and the princess laughed more,both eventually heading off and leaving the four

Jimmy started petting Scott's wings while grinning "Don't be upset,you get flirty with Sausage everyday" he teased,the parrot hybrid whined

The goblin laughed and kissed his partner, who simply grinned before saying goodbye and flying off,making sure the other was safe

Jimmy smiled while watching the two leave,turning back around and laughing at Scott who was grinning like an idiot and purring before dragging him away to his house

Maybe now they'll stop flirting

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