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Jimmys stream 🫶🫶
Flashbacks of Xlife and Jimmy missing Joel bc of Jeremy ☹️☹️

Jimmy looked down from one of Joel's many builds and sighed when he saw the toy barn still open and flew down,running slightly as he landed

He realised that the cobblestone had been removed and groaned,swinging the doors open to reveal two empty shelves and two filled ones

The sheriff walked over to the shelves filled with 'the law' plushies and instantly started taking them down while mumbling under his breathe

"Stupid god" he checked to make sure he had all of the toys "thinking he can get away with this" the blonde turned to leave before looking down the other row

There was a bunch of donkey heads,Jimmy glanced over to the sign "Donkey Jeremy? That's sounds" he took a pause "really really familiar"


Jimmy grinned as he ran around,trying to find one very specific person in the server of X-Life as Scott chased him

Suddenly he was grabbed and pulled behind someone,the person had brown hair with a green streak at the side,he was wearing a white robe with green and yellow sleeves

"Can I ask why your chasing my friend?" The brunette snarled and adjusted the blondes flower crown before glaring at the cyanette while crossing his arms

Scott simply smiled "What? Can't chase my friend?" he asked,his tone clearly laced with mischief "Maybe because I know how you hate Jeremyism and he's in it?"

The blonde watched as the two bickered before slightly pulling on the shorters arm "We can go,it doesn't matter" he watched as Joel debated in his head before nodding and walking away,Jimmy following right behind while waving bye to Scott

The two walked peacefully,the taller humming softly as he watched the other write in a book before putting it away

"Joel?" He received a small hum from the other "Promise that no matter what we'll be friends,even in different lives" The brunette stopped so the blonde did too

Joel turned around and faced him "Jimmy,no matter what we'll be friends" he ruffled the blonde locks "I'll always protect you"

And he did,as they went from Xlife to Empires they stayed friends and Joel protected him,he also became part of the seabling family as he married his sister,Lizzie

-End of Flashback-

Jimmy shook his head and groaned,rubbing his temple before hearing a cough "Sheriff?" the voiced asked

He turned around and saw the same brunette except he was different,they hated each other and weren't friends,the taller would never protect him and killed him multiple times

"Sheriff,you've been staring at Donkey Jeremy for ages" the god teased,poking the blondes face "What,remembering some past life or something"

The sheriff looked between the toys and Joel before walking out,the taller following "Yeah,something about Jeremyism" he said while checking his watch

Joel froze up slightly,he didn't want the blonde to remember that,he didn't want to get attached to anyone after last season where he lost his wife and brother in law

He looked back at the shorter who was fixing his wings before getting ready to fly off "Right yeah,weird" he paused "have a safe flight back" with that the god flew off

The blonde looked up confused,why did he wish him a good flight? He had so many questions and knew there would be no answers so Jimmy just finished preparing before flying back to Tumble Town

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