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Woah not a ship??
Also I haven't watched Pixl or Jim's S1 empires POVS I just wanted to write abt the ravine
Also it's short bc idk what to write abt

Pixl followed his friend through the mini forest before looking around as they exited,listening to the cod while still following

"And so they did this" with that the two looked toward the huge ravine infront of them,Pixl on the verge of laughing while Jimmy just looked a mix between,angers,sad and disappointed

The brunette looked towards the blonde,mouth covering his mouth before breathing to regain some control "Maybe you shouldn't mess with the people that could blow up a ravine so close to your base"

He swirled around the face him and simply adjusted the cod father head before crossing his arms,clearly trying to think of what to do

The taller simply groaned before sitting and swinging his feet on the edge of the judge cavern "I thought they were suspicious and did nothing Pix!" He fell back into the grass

Pixlriffs simply laughed quietly before sitting beside him "Come on,I know your brain is only filled with your boyfriend but think of what to do" Jimmy turned a bright red and shoved him,both laughing

The cod say up again,his big tail swaying side to side as he crossed his arms "Scott is not my boyfriend!" He rolled his eyes,looking back to the other who had a smirk

"Never said who it was" he laughed out more,watching his friend turn even more red,trying to form a sentence before giving up and huffing

The king adjusted his crown before lightly hitting the others arm,causing him to look back "Come one,we've gotta fence this place off so YOU don't die"
He said while standing and helping the blonde up

Jimmy roles his eyes before making some fences and passing them to Pixl before running off to get him a drinks and some food before helping

So,when he came back he alerted the brunette,put the tray onto the floor before Dong some of the bridge,the two taking turns

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