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Doing the art prompt but it's oneshots bc 🤨🤨🤨
Bc that's literally what this book is for
Katherine having Gargoyles that come alive at night (also nature wives)🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶

Katherine smiled as she walked around her empire,glad to see that slowly but surely it's returning to its former glory

The princess perked at the sound of footsteps,the sun was setting so who would come here at this time?

She turned to see the great witch Shelby,the witch was holding onto her hat as she used her staff as somewhat of a walking stick,a wide grin on her face

"Hello princess Katherine" the shorter greeted,causing the taller to snap out of her thoughts and smile at her "Greetings Shelby" she laughed slightly,a hand covering her face "Just Katherine's fine"

The witches face turned a slight pink from embarrassment and maybe from the slight crush she had on the princess before coughing "I was here to wonder if you had any string?"

She had a thought before nodding "I might have a bit,if I don't then I'll deliver some when I do" with that she turned around and started walking,the other following close behind

They continued their conversation as they walked,it was mainly Shubble talking about all her plans and future potions

Soon enough they reached the room the princess was headed to,she reached into a chest and smiled "A few stacks,how many did you need?" She turned and faced the witch

"Oh,just a stack or two will work" Shelby said,rubbing her neck while looking outside and realising that the sun had fully set meaning mobs would spawn soon

A small slam made her jump and face the other once again "Here you go" Katherine said with a small smile before also noticing the time "Oh,it got late fast!" She paused for a a second "You should stay here for the night"

They both stared at each other for a few minutes before multiple thuds could be heard causing both rulers to ran out only to see multiple gargoyles on the ground

The witch immediately pulled out her staff,mumbling a spell before hearing her crush laughing

She opened her eyes only to see Katherine standing in the middle as they circled her,one 'hugging' her or well more so standing behind her

"I forgot to mention them,they come alive mainly at night!" The blackette said while rubbing one of the many gargoyles heads

Shubble put her wand away and sighed,maybe next time she comes over she'll wait until it's morning or be more prepared for whatever happens

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