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Yeah I like them so what :(
(Sheep) Katherine hangs out with Scott in the flower field but he's busy with Jim so Joey joins
Also I'm on holiday and have no internet so idk if this will post 🫶

Katherine grinned as she landed in the flower field,Joey soon landing after her and falling over after

The princess laughed and helped him up,her small fluffy tail continuing to wag in pure happiness as she drags him across the field

He smiled,slightly glowing as he watched her sit down,fixing her dress and it took up some space around the sheep

The blonde sat beside her and summoned his guitar and strummed lightly,causing his significant other to spin around and grin even more "Oh Joey! Sing that one song!"

Joey laughed "The one about how much I love you?" He asked but he knew,it's the only song she ever wanted him to sing "Yes please,you don't have to but" she was cut off by him slowly strumming the strings

"I love you too much
To live without you loving me back
I love you too much
Heaven's my witness and this is a fact"

The blackette stood up and flattened her dress,clearing preparing to dance like she always does

"I know I belong
When I sing this song
There's love above love and it's ours
'Cause I love you too much"

He opened his eyes,seeing her dance majestically like usual as well as even opening her fan and raising it above her head

The two continued what they were doing,not realising that Scott and Jimmy had been watching from close-by

Soon enough the song came to an end,Katherine ending it by sitting it back down on the grass right infront of Joey

The glow squid hybrid laughed and smiled softly,leaning forward and putting a hand on the sheep hybrids cheek before leaning in and kissing her

Slowly the two pulled away,resting their heads together,after a few minutes the black eyed woemn moved and sat on the green eyes boys lap and fell asleep

They cuddled in the flower field,both asleep and not realising that the kind of Chromia and the Sheriff had picked them up and put them into a tavern bed

It'll be a shock when they wake up however it'll be a nice surprise,atleast they aren't being hunted by mobs

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