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Help I'm so tired
I thought this would be short
I'm going insane fuck
Llama Owen & Coyote Jimmy

Jimmy raised an eyebrow as the colourful stood in front of him,his tail wagging slightly at the sight of the llama hybrid that was stood behind him

"This is Owen,he was my llama bartender" Scott smiled nervously at the coyote who's ears were twitching "He's a llama hybrid huh?"

The blonde circled around the orange obsessed hybrid,his tail still continuing to sway from side to side as mouth carved into a small smile "He's cute,llamas always are"

The two glanced at each other,the cyanette confused on what just came out the shorters mouth while the other nodded with a grin on his face "Llamas are cute,is that why you like Scott?" He paused for a second "Well he's not really a llama but the others consider him one"

A second of silence past before the other two's faces turned bright red "Wait Owen no!" Scott exclaimed,ignoring the sheriff that was stuttering as his ears twitched

"He does! God your oblivious!" The llama huffed before running off towards the ender portal that was high up on the hill as the two let out a sigh

Scott turned towards the other,a hand on his hip and the other on his fedora "I'm sorry about him,he's not the smartest" a groan escaped his lips as he glanced back up at the sheriff

Jimmy smiled nervously as he nodded "It's fine,really!!" He quickly looked up the portal before sighing "You should go after him by the way"

The two looked up to see Owen,almost breaking the portal which caused them to panic "Oh shoot right uh!" The colourful man turned and kissed the other on his cheek before running off,leaving the almighty sheriff flustered

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