Its okay

312 13 6

It's back
I love Scar and Jim :((
So I got a new phone case and it makes my phone look bigger so

Scar glanced around the train,he could hear wings flapping every minute but couldn't find where the source was coming from,nor could he find the sheriff

Joel,Grian and Fwhip had left along with Tango however only the three of them were making fun of Jimmy while the blazeborn watched from behind,not stepping in at all

The brunette heard a sob come from behind the bank which caused him too quickly turn around and head towards the noise,causing the sand to crunch with each step

As he turned the corner,he saw something he didn't expect which was Jimmy sitting on the ground with his sheriff hat across from him that had clearly been thrown,his large yellow wings wrapped around him like he's protecting himself

"Jim?" the taller said softly,watching as the other lowered one wing which revealed very teary blue eyes and a bright red face "sorry Scar" a small mumble was what he received

He sat beside the shorter and it was quiet other than the sniffling every few seconds as well as the sounds of all the animals from around the area "It's alright,everyone gets upset" he smiled softly,ruffling the blondes hair "What's up dude?"

The other shifted slightly so he was leaning against the other,hugging the slightly tanned arm "I just can't deal with them anymore,they're constantly bullying me!" Jimmy basically yelled,clearly stressed as his wings puffed him

Scar hummed and ran a hand through the bright yellow feathers,causing a small chirping noise to come out the other followed by a small laugh "Scar,stop!" He grinned widely while softly pushing the other away

The brunette faked a dramatic fall,pretending to be dead when his back hit the soft sand which caused even more chuckles to come out the shorters mouth,as the two calmed down it fell into another comfortable silence for a while

"Thank you Scar,for making me feel better" he grinned widely,leaning against the other once again and slowly falling asleep just enough to miss the other start running his fingers through the messy blonde "You're welcome sheriff"

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