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I saw a tiktok of sausage x Oli (empires characters)
In case you can't tell
That's what this is
I'm sorry :)

Oli grinned as the boat came closer to the dock of Sanctuary,he was lucky that the ruler agreed to pay for the trip seeing as the bard was,in the nicest way possible,broke

He turned towards the pirate who sent him a grin in return,he learned he was called Joe after their previous encounter and received an apology after both Katherine and Sausage had lectured him

After another minute or two,they reached the dock and carefully got off as the wood seemed just a few years too old

The dirty blonde happily ran onto the main land,waving a quick goodbye to Joe as he said he had something important to do and would get the payment later

However the sound of running made him turn around towards the main path,only to immediately get tackled into a tight embrace which caused him to let out a small yelp of pain

"Oli,you're back and safe!" Sausage pulled away and grinned widely,happy to see the absolute klutz of a man still breathing and not having any new scars

The shorter rolled his eyes before gasping as he felt himself get picked up and thrown over the tallers shoulder,causing him to hit his back "Sausage,put me down!!" that caused a chuckle from the other

He continued down the path towards his house,greeting all the residents they walked past while ignoring the confused stares

Soon they finally arrived at the house that was just as extravagant as the rest of the empire,showing the fact that the brunette had amazing building skills which everyone already knew he had but still

The king happily walked in,making sure that the other didn't hit his head before putting him down "You're slow,I wanted to get here faster" that's caused the blonde to roll his eyes again and pout

Sausage simply grinned and pulled him toward the couch,laying down while making the other lay on top of him,causing Oli to turn a bright red

They lied there for another few hours,the two had nothing planned so it wasn't like they were missing anything important plus even if they did they wouldn't care,all they wanted was to spend time together

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